Babysitting Theo

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A/N: Sorry it's taken so long! My mind has been blank and I couldn't think of anything to write about. I hope you like this one!

"Just make sure you use oatmeal soap when you give him a bath or he'll break out. Oh and be sure you follow the schedule I left. He's used to it now. And I left a couple of extra outfits in his bag in case of accidents. Oh and-" "Okay Denise. I think they have everything under control." Greg laughed. Denise sighed and carefully handed Theo over to me while Greg handed Niall the diaper bag. "Okay. Call if there's any problems or if you need anything." Denise frantically explained while Theo played with her finger. "We will. You two go out and have a nice time." I reassured Denise and Greg. Denise gave me a worried smile. Greg rubbed her back and pulled her towards the door. "Thank you for doing this. We really appreciate it." Greg said as he urged Denise out of the door. "No need to thank us. It's no problem. We're more than happy to watch him," Niall said, looking at me hold little Theo. "Well we'll see you Wednesday." Greg kissed Theo on the forehead before getting into the car with Denise. Niall, Theo, and I stood at the front door as they backed out of the driveway. I took Theo's hand in mine and waved to his mum and dad.

"It's just us now," I said looking down at Theo before smiling over to Niall. "Have you ever babysat before?" Niall asked. "Yeah. A lot actually," I said, walking over to sit on the couch with Theo relaxing in my arms. "Well I haven't so you're automatically in charge," Niall laughed, sitting beside me. "We'll do this together. It'll be fine. Here. You hold him while I fix his bottle. It's about his lunchtime," I said, carefully handing Theo over. "Alright buddy. Come to Uncle Nialler," he smiled. I grabbed the diaper bag and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed all of the baby food and placed it in the fridge. "Umm babe? Can you come in here?" I heard Niall call. I walked into the living room to see Niall bouncing Theo up and down, trying to stop him from crying. "He just started crying. I don't know what to do." He said. "He may have a wet diaper. Let me see him. Get his diaper bag from the kitchen," I instructed. Niall hands Theo over and gets the diaper bag. "Get his blanket out and put it on the floor." Niall does as I say and I place Theo on the blanket. I unbutton the bottom of Theo's onesie to see if his diaper is wet. "Someone has a wet diaper. That's why you're so grumpy huh?" I talk in my best baby voice. Theo continued to cry and he reached his arms out. "Okay okay. Let's get this wet diaper off you." I said, undoing the diaper. I changed Theo and picked him up. "You make it seem so easy," Niall laughed. "Well when you've changed as many diapers as I have, you become a pro." I bragged. Niall threw the diaper away and grabbed Theo's bottle from the kitchen. "Here's his bottle," Niall said handing me the bottle. "How about you feed him?" I stood up and sat on the couch. Niall sat beside me and I placed Theo in Niall's arms. I handed Niall Theo's bottle and he looked at me with a worried expression. "Relax. You're feeding a baby, not a tiger." I laughed. Niall laughed and brought the bottle to Theo's lips. Theo latched on and chugged it down. I placed my hand over Niall's and raised it. "Now make sure you hold it high enough to where he's actually getting the formula and not air," I instructed, "He'll get gassy otherwise." Niall laughed and held the bottle higher,"We really don't want that." I took my hand away and looked at Niall's face. The way he looked at Theo was priceless. Theo finished off his bottle and began to cry again. "Now what?" Niall asked. "He needs to be burped. Just put him up to your shoulder and pat his back lightly," I said, taking the bottle from Niall. Niall brought Theo up to his shoulder and began trying to burp him. "Here. Put this on your shoulder in case he spits up." I put a towel across Niall's shoulder. Theo burped and finally stopped crying. "Now what?" Niall asked, sitting on the couch, putting Theo back into his arms. "We just relax now," I said leaning back against the couch. Niall moved next to me with Theo in his arms and we sat and played with him for a while.

I looked at the clock and noticed it was dinner time. "You sit with him while I make dinner," I said, walking into the kitchen. I put the chicken in the oven and walked in the living room to join Niall and Theo. Niall had Theo sitting up with his back against his chest, watching tv. I leaned against the wall and watched Niall interact with his little nephew. "Let's see what's on tonight, little man," Niall said softly, changing the channels with the remote. "Oh there's a beach volleyball game on. Aunt Y/N doesn't like it when I watch those. She thinks I'm looking at those pretty ladies but they don't even compare to her, do they? Nope. Not at all." He changed it to Spongebob and continued to talk to Theo. "You have no idea how happy I am that you're here, little man. I'm going to be the coolest uncle ever. You can come around here anytime you want to. This is your second home. Hopefully, me and Auntie Y/N will have a little cousin for you to play with here soon." I smiled at the thought of starting a family with Niall. I know he'd be a perfect dad. Niall shifted Theo so that he was laying in his arms again. "I love you, Theo," Niall whispered before kissing Theo's forehead.

I walked back into the kitchen to check on dinner. It was finally done so I pulled it out and sat it on the stove. I walked into the living room to see Niall laughing at Spongebob. He's still a kid at heart and I love that about him. "Dinner's ready," I said, leaning against the doorframe. "Alright. I'm going to put Theo in his swing," he said, getting up and placing Theo carefully into his baby swing Greg brought in. Niall placed it in front of the tv so Theo could watch Spongebob. "Do you think he's actually watching that?" I laughed. "I'm not sure. It keeps him quiet though," Niall responded, following me into the kitchen. We made our plates and sat at the table that was across from the living room. "I think he's going to sleep," I whispered, looking at Theo dozing off in his swing. "This isn't so hard," Niall chuckled. "What? Babysitting?" I asked. "Yeah. I thought it was gonna be tough but he's been pretty good so far." "Yeah so far. It's only been a couple of hours," I laughed. He laughed and we continued eating. After we finished, Niall helped me clean up and put away leftovers. We walked back into living room to find Theo asleep in his swing. "It's his bed time. Let's put him in his crib," I suggested. Niall bent down and picked Theo up, careful not to wake him up. We walked up the stairs to the room across from ours that we fixed for him. Niall placed him in the center of the crib while I cranked his mobile. Soft lullabies began to play and Theo began to snore softly. I hugged Niall as we stood and watched Theo sleep away. "Let's go to bed, huh?" Niall whispered. "Okay," I said, taking his hand and leading him into our room. We changed into our pajamas and climbed into bed. I snuggled up to Niall's side, resting my head on his chest with my arm across his stomach. "Do you ever think about having kids?" He asks, running his hand up and down my back. "Yeah, sometimes. Do you?" "Yeah. A lot actually." I looked up at him and smiled, "What do you think about?" "I think about how we'd be great parents. I think about how I'd sing to our baby while they're still in your belly. I think about the things we'd do together as a family. Teaching the baby how to walk, talk, potty training, the hugs and kisses, everything. If we had a girl, we'd take her to ballet but she'd still want to play football. Our boy would be a star athlete but would still want to learn how to cook. We'd be the perfect family." "Niall! That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard," I awed. "And it'll happen one day. When we're ready, we'll start making our family." I smiled and nuzzled my head in the crook of his neck. "I can't wait," I whispered. "Me either," Niall said, kissing the top of my head.

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