Second Chances

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Alright this is going to be an imagine with the kids but they're older. I really wanted to write this so I hope you don't mind me changing the ages of the kids. I've been wanting to write this one for a while. So since I've written one about Conner being born, I decided to go ahead. But in this, Cady is 17ish and Conner is 12ish. So again, I hope you don't mind and enjoy!


"It's passed her curfew, Y/N. She was suppose to be home 30 minutes ago." Niall huffed pacing back and forth. "You need to calm down, Niall. She'll be home soon." Niall walked over and sat down next to me. "We shouldn't have let her go out with that boy. We barely know him. What if he tries something?" "You have to trust Cady. She has a good head on her shoulders. Just relax." We heard the front door open and Niall jumped up. Cady walked into the living room and took her coat off. "Where have you been?" Niall asked crossing his arms. "We were at the movies. It ran a little late. I'm sorry." Cady said. "You're suppose to call or text us if you're going to be running late." I told her. "I'm sorry. I forgot." She apologized. "If you're gonna go out with some guy, you're gonna have to be responsible enough to let us know what's going on. If you can't do that, then you're not going back out." Niall sternly told her. "What? I said I was sorry." She whined. "How am I suppose to let you go out with people I don't know if you can't keep in touch?" Niall was being a little too tough on her. It soon turned into an argument between them. "It was my first time going out, Dad! I'm sorry I forgot! I was having fun!" "You need to be responsible, Cady! You're lucky I even let you go to begin with! If your mother hadn't talked me into it, you'd been sitting here with us!" "I don't see what the big deal is! I said I'm sorry! What else do you want?!" "Until you've proven to me that you're responsible, you're not going anywhere with that kid." "Mom!" Cady said turning to me begging for some backup. "Don't bring your mom into this." "Just give me another chance." Cady begged. "I'm sorry but no." Niall was determined not to change his mind. Cady started crying and I could tell she was getting angry. "You've always said everyone deserves a second chance! Kinda like when you would come home drunk and Mom would give you chance after chance!! You remember that?! Huh?! Im not doing anything wrong! Just because you were a drunk, doesn't mean I'm going to be!!" She yelled. Niall was shocked. She's never spoken to him like that. "Cadence Marie! Go to your room!" I scolded her. She seemed to realize what she said and regretted it. "Now, Cadence!" I told her. She turned around and walked up the stairs. Niall turned around and looked at me stunned. "She's never talked to me like that before." He said, walking over and sitting next to me on the couch. "She's just mad. She didn't mean it." "But the thing is, she's right. I'm the last person that should be lecturing about second chances. She still remembers all of that." "That's the past." "I know. But was I wrong?" "Not exactly." Niall looked at me. "Not exactly?" "There's nothing wrong with wanting to know where's she's at. We love her and want her to be safe but this was her first time out with a boy. I can understand why calling her parents was the last thing on her mind." "I guess so." "And we both know she's responsible, Niall. How many times have we left her here with Conner alone?" "I know. I know." "And she's never given us a reason not to trust her." "It's the guy I don't trust. They only have one thing on their mind." "I know. I dated a horny teenage boy when I was younger. You may know him." Niall rolled his eyes. "Exactly. That's my point." "But we can't keep her away from boys. All we can do is know that we raised a wonderful girl with morals and values. She isn't going to go out and get into trouble. I think she's old enough to know whether a guy is bad for her. And she knows the consequences for drinking and doing drugs. She knows better." Niall turned to me. "You're right. You're absolutely right. I'm an idiot." "No you're not. You just love our kids and want them to be happy and safe. There's nothing wrong with that. Just next time, we should lecture together instead of you losing your temper." "I think we should call Cady down here and talk to her. Or let you talk to her." "I think you should do the talking. I'll step in if I have to." I walked to the bottom of the stairs and called Cady's name. She poke her head around the corner. "Can you come down here please?" She nodded and wiped her tear stained cheeks. I walked over and and sat beside Niall on the couch. Cady walked around and sat on the love seat across from the coffee table in front of us. She kept her head down. "We've talked some things over and your dad wants to talk to you." I told her. I nudged Niall. He took a breath before he began to speak. Cady looked up at her father. "Listen, Cady. I'm sorry for blowing up on you. But the way you talked to me was uncalled for. But you are right. Your mom gave me multiple chances and I was bad back then. And everyone does deserve a second chance. We know your responsible and that you can be trusted. All we ask is that you call or text us if you run late. Next time, I wanna meet this boy and if this happens again, you'll have to take Conner on all of your dates. You get one more chance." "And we love you." I added. Cady began crying again. "I'm so sorry I said that to you. I didn't mean it. I was just mad." Niall got up and hugged Cady. She was sobbing. "I'm sorry, daddy." "It's okay, princess. It's okay. I love you, okay." "I love you too." She pulled away and he wiped her cheeks. Cady walked over and hugged. "We love you, Cady. We just want you to let us know where you are and that you're okay." I told her. "Okay. I promise, it'll never happen again." "It's late. Why don't you go on and go to bed." "Alright. Love you." "Love you too." She made her way upstairs. "Hey Cady." Niall called. "Yeah?" "I was serious about taking Conner with you on your dates." "Okay. Love you." She laughed. "Love you too." She went into her room and closed the door. Niall sat on the couch and pulled me into his lap. "You know, we are perfect together. I'm the parent who loses their cool and you're the sensible one who talks me down. It's the perfect combination, really." He said. "I guess so. Someone's gotta be the calm parent." "You're amazing. I love you." "And I love you." I kissed him on the lips and pulled him off the couch. "Now lets go to bed, my wonderful, quick tempered husband." "Yes let's my amazing, beautiful, angel."

The end.

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