Summer Love

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You had just spent the best summer of your life. You decided to spend it in the U.K. with your aunt. You had always been close to her but when she moved away, you hadn't seen her as much. So when you got out for the summer, she invited you to stay with her. She was Simon Cowel's assistant. When you found out, you begged her to let you come to work with her. She let you come with her and even pulled some strings to get you to meet the One Direction boys. You all hit it off and began hanging out. What you didn't expect was to fall for one of them. Niall was the sweetest boy you've ever met. You and Niall started dating and became inseparable. You were with him everyday. You even decided to stay a couple of extra months just to spend more time with him. But you had to face reality and head back to the states to finish college. You didn't want this to end.

You had all your things packed and ready to go. Niall was going to take you to the airport so your aunt could go to work. Niall arrived and helped you put your belongings in his car. Your aunt walked you to the passenger side of the black Range Rover. Your aunt pulled you in a tight hug. "I'm going to miss you so much, y/n." "I'm going to miss you too." "You feel free to come back anytime you want." "Thank you. And thank you for everything. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have met him. This has been the best summer of my life." "You're welcome. You deserve someone like him." You pulled away and she kissed your cheek. "Okay you'd better get going. You'll miss your flight. I love you." "I love you too." You and Niall got into car and headed to the airport.

This was one car ride that you've dreaded. You wished you never had to get on that plane. But you had a life back in America. You couldn't turn your back on it. You noticed that Niall passed the exit to the airport. "Babe? You missed the exit." You told him. "Well I figured the paps would show up and I don't want to spend our last minutes in the public eye so I might have gotten a private plane to take you home." "Oh my gosh, Niall. You didn't have to do that!" "Don't worry about it." You reached over and held his hand. You were seriously so lucky to have such a thoughtful and caring boyfriend. You pulled into a smaller airport. There was a small airplane out back. Niall pulled the car around and unloaded your bags. The pilot loaded the bags on the plane.

This was it. The moment you never wanted to happen. You looked at Niall and lost it. He pulled you close. "Y/n, don't cry. This isn't goodbye." "I know. I'm going to miss seeing you everyday." "We'll call and text each other all the time. And we can Skype." "It won't be the same." "Well in a couple of months, the album will be out and I'll be over there before we go on tour. And when the tour starts, I'll come see you when I can. Whenever we come over there, you can come to the nearby shows. I'll have someone go and get you. And you'll be done with school this year, then we can figure out something, okay? We'll be fine." "Okay," you said trying to stop crying. He looked at you and you kissed him passionately. "I love you, Niall." "I love you too, y/n." You backed away and let go of his hands. You got onto the plane and looked at Niall through the window. You could tell he was crying. That just made you cry again. The plane took off and you were on your way home.

~One Month Later~

You were busy away studying for tests you had coming up. Suddenly, you had a Skype call come in. It was Niall. You accepted and his beautiful face filled the screen. "Niall!!" "Hey princess!! Were you busy?" "I was studying but I can use a break. What have you been up to?" "Well since the last time we've talked, I've been working on a song." "Oh really? How's it coming?" "Pretty good. I've got the chorus down. You want to hear it?" "Of course!" Niall picked up his guitar and began strumming a few chords. He cleared his throat and began singing. "You were mine for the summer. Now we know its nearly over. Feels like snow in September but I always will remember. You were my summer love. You always will be my summer love." You began to tear up. Niall stopped playing and looked up at you. "What's the matter?" "Niall. That was beautiful." "Oh," he laughed, "Im glad you like it. I wrote it about two hours after you left. I've been so busy that I haven't had time to work on the rest." "That is the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me." "Well get used to it. You deserved to be treated like the princess you are." Just then you heard Louis in the background, "Come on, Niall! We have to get to rehearsals!" Niall turned back to you and said, "Ugh. Listen, babe I've got to go. I'll call you when I get back." "Okay. Have fun." "I'll try. Study hard. I love and miss you." "I love and miss you too, baby." You hung up and went back to studying. A little later, you found yourself humming the song Niall wrote for you.

The end.


I thought this was a sweet idea so this was before the TMH album came out.

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