Let Me Make It Up To You

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I woke up, excited about the things to come today. It was mine and Niall's first anniversary together and I planned everything out. I got up, went and bought a new dress, and bought everything to cook a romantic dinner at home. I was going to surprise him when he got home from work.

I slaved away in the kitchen, cooking all of Niall's favorite foods. I decided to text him just to see how much longer it would be until he got home. "Hey babe. When are you coming home? I miss you. Xx" A couple of minutes later, he texted back. "I'm not sure. I'm pretty tied up right now. It may be late. Don't wait up." He must have completely forgot about our anniversary. I was completely heartbroken. I looked at the table that I had completely covered in food. I sat down and decided to pour myself a glass of wine and at least enjoy the food I cooked.

After I ate, I began cleaning the dishes I had dirtied. I put all the leftovers away that completely filled our fridge. I heard Niall walk through the front door. "Babe?" He asked as he turned the corner into the kitchen. I kept my back turned to him. "Why are you so dressed up?" He asked. I through the pan I was cleaning into the sink, making a loud BANG. I turned around and looked at Niall, "Are you kidding me?! Why else would I be in a dress, Niall?! It's not like today is special or anything!" He looked at the table and saw the candles that were still lit and the two wine glasses. "Do you even know what today is?!" I asked, holding back tears. "Sh**. Our anniversary. I am so sorry, Y/N. I feel terrible. Oh my God." He said walking towards me. He reached out and tried to hold my hand. I pulled away and walked towards our bedroom. "Save it. It's obviously not that important to you." He followed me through the house. "It is. I'm sorry. I just have a lot going on." I walked into our bedroom and grabbed my pajamas and walked out. "Y/N, where are you going?" "I'm sleeping in the guest room." "Don't do this. Lets just talk." I walked into the guest room, threw my pajamas on the bed, and turned around. "You want to talk? Okay let's talk. Lets talk about how my boyfriend of one year forgot our first anniversary together. I would think that would be something that you would remember, Niall." "I know, Y/N. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. And I know there's no excuse. But I have a lot of stuff going on. There's the tour, the new album, the book, the movie, the perfume, and it just slipped my mind." I became furious. I tried to hold my tears back but they started rolling down my face. "Slipped your mind?! I cannot believe you! I understand that you're a huge popstar and all but I'm your girlfriend, Niall! You told me that you would never let your job come between us but look. It did." "So you're gonna let my one mistake break us up?" "I didn't say we were breaking up. I just want our relationship to be important to you." "It is, babe. I'm going to prove it. I'm going to make it up to you, Y/N. There's two and a half more hours left until midnight. It's still our anniversary." "You do what you want. I'm going to bed." Niall walked out of the room and I shut the door. I heard his car start up and pull out of the driveway. I changed into my pajamas and climbed into bed. I started to think how even though he did forget our anniversary, he was willing to go and prove that he does love me. I was still pissed about him forgetting but I know he felt bad and that he was sorry.

I was laying on the bed, scrolling through twitter when Niall knocked on the door. "Come in," I said. He poked his head in. "Are you still mad?" He asked. I sat my phone down and looked at him. "Not as much. I've calmed down some. I'm still hurt though." He sat on the bed beside me. I sat up and scooted next to him. He held my hand and looked me in the eyes. "I am truly sorry, princess. I feel like sh**. I never meant to hurt your feelings. I would never intentionally hurt you. This is never going to again. I promise. I love you so much." "I love you too." He placed his hand on my cheek and pulled me in for a kiss. I pulled away for a second and looked into his eyes, "Can I give you your present now?" "Not before I give you yours." He got up and walked into the hallway. He came back in with a huge teddy bear, gigantic bouquet of yellow roses, and a small black bag. "Oh my God, Niall. I don't need all this," I said with amazement, looking at all the gifts. He sat my flowers on the dresser and the giant teddy bear by the door. "Who doesn't need a giant teddy bear?" He laughed. "So you mean there were stores still open?" "Well the mall was getting ready to close but there were a couple of stores still open. I ran in and bought this stuff." "So what's in the bag?" He opened it up and pulled a small black box out. He sat next to me and turned to face me. "I bought this to prove how much I love you." He handed me the small box and placed his hand on my knee. I opened the small box, revealing a ring with a small diamond. I gasped, "Niall! It's beautiful!" He took the ring out and took my hand. "Now it isn't a lot. It's a promise ring. It's my promise to you that I will be a better boyfriend. That I will never forget an important date ever again. That I will treat you like the princess you are. And that I will love you forever." He slid the ring on my finger. I began to tear up. "Niall, it's perfect. I love it. Thank you." I kissed him and smiled. "Now it's your turn." I got up and ran into the living room to get my purse. I came back into the guest room and sat my purse on the bed, looking for his present. "Oh you got me a purse! How lovely!" He joked. "Not quite." I laughed. I pulled out his present and have them to him. "What are these?" He asked. "Well what do they look like?" "They look like concert tickets." He said staring at them. "Yeah. They are. Go on." "These say they are tickets to the Eagles reunion show." "Do they? Hmm. Well I guess that's what they are." He looked up at me, stunned. "So are you telling me you bought two tickets for the Eagles reunion show?" "That's what I'm telling ya." "But I thought they weren't having one." "They are. Just this one. And you can't believe how hard I tried getting those. Took me forever. But I finally did. I may have mentioned your name to get them though but it worked." He jumped up and gave a hug, lifting me up and spinning me around. "You are seriously the best! I can't believe you did this! Thank you!!! I love you so much!!!" "You're welcome! I love you too!" I laughed. He put me back on the floor and kissed me. "This might not have turned out so bad after all." He said smiling. "Well apart from you forgetting, it wasn't too bad." "I'm sorry. If it matters, I would have been surprised with the dinner you cooked. It smelt great. And you looked amazing in that dress." I blushed, "Thank you, babe. and as far as the food goes, I put the leftovers away. We could heat them up." "That sounds amazing. I'm starving." "I should've guessed." We laughed and enjoyed the rest of our night together.

The end.

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