I Just Can't

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This isn't going to be a normal imagine. It's a little different. I'm saying that not all imagines have to end on a happy note. This idea just popped in my head. After this, I'll go back to writing happy imagines. ;)

And p.s. I'm not saying Niall would do this. This is just for the sake of the story. He's not a douche. At least, I hope not.

It was going on 2:30 a.m. and Niall still hadn't come home. I knew what he was doing. I just didn't want to accept it. I have been so patient with him. I've given him everything. I've sacrificed so much and for what? Someone who just doesn't care anymore. I don't know why. I noticed he was distancing himself from me but I thought it was stress. It went on for months. I tried so hard to keep this relationship going but I couldn't anymore. I've stayed silent for so long. When he would get the random texts and phone calls in the middle of the night and he'd say it was management, I didn't say anything. When I smelt perfume on his clothes, I didn't question it. Even when I found lipstick on the collar of his shirt, I didn't ask. I know what's going on. I'm not an idiot.

I sat on the stairs, waiting on Niall to get home. I'm not taking this anymore. I'm done.

I heard his car pull up in the driveway. My heart rate began to speed up. He unlocked the door and staggered in. I couldn't tell if he was drunk or if it was the fact that it was dark and he couldn't see. I reached over and turned the hall light on. Niall jumped and turned to look at me sitting on the stairs. "What are you still doing up?" He asked, putting his coat up. He didn't even make eye contact with me. "Who is she?" I asked, ignoring his question. He looked at me and noticed that I had been crying. He looked down at the ground as he pulled his shoes off. He just shook his head. "Who is she?" I repeated. "I don't know what you're talking about." He walked over and sat on a chair we had beside the foot of the stairs. "I'm not stupid, Niall. I know there's someone else. Who is she? Do I know her?" He rested his elbows on his knees and shook his head. I was beyond hurt. I knew something was going on but I just didn't want to accept it. The guy I was in love with, the one I was wanting to spend the rest of my life with, was cheating on me. I stood up and leaned against the wall. I stared at him. He wouldn't even look at me. "Why? What did I do? Why wasn't I good enough?" I tried to hold back my tears but a few escaped and rolled down my cheeks. He wouldn't answer me. "Niall, just tell me. Why her?" He shifted a little in the chair. "I don't know. She understands me. She was just there for me," he explained. Anger began to erupt within me but I wasn't going to lose my temper. I didn't want him to know that he had gotten to me. "She understands you? She was there for you?" I ask, keeping my temper under control. He kept his head down. "Well answer this question for me, Niall. Who was there for you when got really sick? Who took care of you? Who goes to your family get togethers when you can't make it? Who takes care of you when you come home wasted? Who has been there when you've cried? Because I haven't seen anyone else here but me. So what exactly has she been there for? Was she there when your grandma passed? Hmm" "No," he whispered. "Who was there for you then?" "You." "Exactly. I've always been right here. I've been here while you're out with her. Did you honestly think I thought you were out with the guys? Unless one of the guys has started wearing perfume and lipstick. I'm not stupid." He smirked at my lipstick comment. That made me more mad. "Stop, Niall. I'm not joking. Do you not care that I'm hurting here?" He looked up at me and nodded, "I mean, I do care." "Then why do this? Do you not love me anymore?" My tears began to fall harder as I forced that question out of my mouth. "I don't know anymore. I just need some time," he said, resting his head in his hands. "Oh. You need some time? Okay. Take all the time you need, Niall but I'm not going to be here this time." Niall raised his head and looked me in the eye. I had his full attention. This was my chance to lay everything on the line. "I've given you everything. I've moved away from my family to be with you. I've sacrificed so much to be with you and you just don't seem to care. I can't keep giving you 110% of you're not going to give me anything back in return. I'm tired of being your second option. I love you so much, Niall. So so so much, but I can't keep doing this. I hope she's worth it. And I hope she'll love you as much as I do. I'm going to stay with Y/F/N tonight. I'll come by and get the rest of my things tomorrow." I stood up and grabbed the bag I had packed and rested by the front door. Niall stood up, with tears in his eyes. "So this is it? You're giving up?" He croaked. I looked at him and shook my head. "I didn't give up. You did when you decided to cheat on me." I took my keys off of the table beside the front door. "Do you think we can work this out?" He asked, wiping a tear from his cheek. "I think you need to reexamine your priorities. You're losing people who truly care about you. Just focus on yourself. Although, that's what you've seemed to be doing." I took what used to be our house key off of my key ring and placed it on the table. I looked back at Niall who was trying to hide his tears from me. Seeing him cry almost made me lose it. I thought about how he had made me feel for the last couple of months and fought my tears back. "Goodbye, Niall. I wish you the best." I walked out with my bag and got into my car. I thought about all the things I told him as I drove away. I could only hope that he realizes how great he had it and how stupid he was to let me go.

The End

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