I'm The Idiot

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"Niall! Would you just give me a minute! My God! You're not even letting me talk!" You screamed at Niall, who stormed inside your shared flat. "You don't have to say anything, y/n! I saw you with my own eyes!" You and Niall went to a club for Harry's birthday. You were having a great time. While you were sitting with Niall, you spotted your old friend across the room. "Colby's here, babe. I'm going to go say hi." You told Niall. He nodded and watched you as you made your way over to Colby. Colby saw you and his face lit up. "Y/N! What are you doing here?!" He yelled. You ran up to give him a hug and he gave you a peck on the lips. It caught you off guard, but you didn't think anything of it. It was like kissing your little brother. "Well it's Harry's birthday and we're celebrating." "Well it's great to see you! How've you been?!" You and Colby sat at the bar and caught up on lost time. You noticed Colby kept looking behind you. "What are you looking at?" "Eh. Niall doesn't look too happy." Colby said nervously. You looked over your shoulder and caught Niall's glare. "He's probably mad because I've been over here talking so long." "Well he looks mad. He's coming over now." You looked over and saw Niall making his way over to you. "We're leaving. Now." Niall growled. You waved to Colby and followed Niall. He grabbed your wrist and dragged you through the crowd and hailed a cab. You sat in silence until you reached your flat.

"Do you how bad that makes me look?! Having my girlfriend flirt with someone else while I'm in the same room! Even the guys noticed!" He screamed at you. You were standing in the middle of your living room while Niall was standing in the kitchen. "Niall! It was Colby! You know that we're just friends! He's like my brother!" "Well I hope you don't kiss your brothers like that!" "Niall! Stop! It was nothing!" "It didn't look like nothing! He was flirting with you, y/n! The way he was looking at you was not a way a friend looks at their 'friend'! If your going to flirt with someone, at least make sure your boyfriend isn't in the room!" "I WASN'T FLIRTING WITH HIM! I won't want him! I want you!" "I'm not sure about that anymore." "Really, Niall?! Really?! I moved to another freaking country to be with you! I left my family for you!! I love you! If you think that I don't want to be with you after all I've done, you're an idiot!!!" "I knew it. I knew you were going to throw that in my face. I didn't ask you to move here! YOU wanted to! I didn't ask you to leave your family! YOU did that yourself! If you're willing to leave your family and everything back home, you're the idiot." "I cannot believe you. I left for YOU NIALL!!! I love you!! I thought I couldn't go a day without being with you. THAT'S why I left. You know what. Maybe I made a mistake. If you can't trust me, maybe I should go back." You were in tears. Niall grabbed his keys and headed for the front door. "Where are you going?!" You cried. "I'm staying at Liam's. Have your stuff outta my house by tomorrow. I'm done." He slammed the front door and drove away. You couldn't believe it was over. He just gave up. He ripped your heart out and stomped on it. You went to bed and cried your self to sleep.

You were suddenly awoken by the sound of your phone ringing. You looked at the time. 4:28 am. Who would be calling you at this hour? You kinda hoped it was Niall, but you looked and saw it was Maura, Niall's mom. Strange. "Hello?" You answered. "Y/n?! Come to the hospital! Niall was in an accident!" Your heart sank. "On my way." You jumped out of bed, not even bothering to change clothes or brush your hair. You slipped your shoes on and ran out the door. While you were speeding through town, you had so many thoughts rushing through your head. What if he's hurt? Bad. What if its worse? You pulled up and saw Maura was waiting on you in front. You ran up to her in tears. "What happened?! Is he okay?!" You screamed. She pulled you in a tight hug. "He's gonna be okay. He has a slight concussion and a few broken bones but he's okay." A huge weight was lifted off your shoulders. "What happened?" "Apparently, he was coming back from Liam's house and he had his phone out. He looked down at his phone and when he looked up, he had went off the side of the road and into a small ditch. He was thrown into the windshield and that caused the concussion and broken bones. He's bruised and cut up pretty bad but he's conscious. And he's asking for you." Maura led you to his room and you tiptoed in. When you pulled the curtain, seeing Niall in that condition tore you apart. He was laying in the bed with his eyes closed. He was hooked up to the machines and had an IV in his arm. His face was covered with small scratches and had a bandage on his head. His right arm was in a sling. He heard you crying and opened his eyes. "Hey." He said weakly. "Hey" you sniffed walking over and sat on his left side. You reached out and held his hand. Looking at him like this ripped you apart. "I'm sorry," you whispered. "Why are you sorry? You had nothing to do with this." "If I hadn't told you to leave, you would've have been out driving." "It's my fault. I didn't have to leave. If I hadn't accused you of flirting with him, we wouldn't have been fighting. But I shouldn't have been texting while driving." "Why were you texting to begin with?" "I was going to tell you that you were right." "About what?" "About me being an idiot. You've changed your whole life just to be with me. To think that you left your whole family just to be with me, makes me feel so unbelievably lucky to have you. And this made me realize that you could be taken away from me in an instant. I wouldn't be able to tell you I love you. I wouldn't be able to kiss you every morning. I realized that I need to stop being a jealous idiot and embrace the time we have together because anything could happen. I'm so sorry, princess. Forgive me?" You looked at him with tear streaming down your cheeks. "Of course. I love you so much." "I love you too." You leaned over and carefully placed a kiss on his lips. You sat back down and he wiped the tears from your face. You stayed by Niall's side until he was released. You were unbelievably blessed to still have the love of your life to take home and care for.

The end.

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