Daddy/Daughter Moment

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You had just given birth to your daughter, Cadence, and you were exhausted. You wanted to rest but you just had to hold her again before you took a nap. The nurses brought Cadence back into the room. She was a healthy baby girl. 7 lbs 5 oz. She was perfect. The nurse handed you your precious angel. She was fast asleep. You thought she looked like Niall, while he thought it was the other way around. She did have a full head of brown hair, Niall's natural hair color. Niall leaned over and ran his finger over her hand. She grabbed his finger and squeezed. "She's a strong little thing," he joked. You looked down at her and whispered, "Hello, beautiful. I'm your mommy. And this handsome young man is your daddy. We love you so much." She squirmed a little and opened her eyes. They were the prettiest shade of light blue. "Oh my gosh," you gasped,"Babe, she has your eyes." You and Niall couldn't help but tear up.

Cadence didn't stay awake long. She soon began snoring a little bit. She was adorable. Seeing her snooze away made you even more tired. You kept yawning over and over. "Honey, you're exhausted. Let me hold her and you get some rest," Niall said. You nodded and handed Cadence over to Niall. He held her carefully and walked over the sofa beside the bed. You rolled over to face Niall and Cadence. You soon fell asleep.

Niall's POV: 

I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I was a father. I looked down at my daughter in amazement. She's so beautiful. She's perfect. I'm so lucky. I'm with the love of my life and now I have a perfect, healthy baby girl. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.

I looked down at her. I thought I'd talk to her a bit. "Hey, little princess. It's your daddy. I can't believe your finally here. Me and mommy have been waiting for you. I remember when mommy first told me you were coming. I was scared to death. I didn't know if I was ready to be a daddy. I didn't know if I was going to be a good daddy. I'm still not sure on that one. But I promise you, Cady, I will try my hardest to be the best daddy I can. I just want you to know that I will be here for you whenever you need me. Don't ever think you can't come and talk to me. You can talk to me about anything. Even if I'm on the road, you can call me anytime and I'll be there. Daddy may not always be home, but there will always be a way for you to talk to me. I promise I will try and protect you from everything. I already know I'm gonna have to beat those little boys off with a stick. You're going to be a heartbreaker. Baby girl, you already have so many people who love you. You will love your Uncles Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Louis. They're going to spoil you rotten. And your mommy and Aunts Perrie, Eleanor, and Danielle will be sure you look your best. But you look like your mommy, so you're already beautiful. And when you grow up, mommy and me just want you to be happy. If you want to be a singer, doctor, lawyer, or even the president, mommy and daddy will support you no matter what. Me and mommy love you so much, sweetie. More than anything. Always know that." Cadence opened her eyes and grabbed my finger again. "You do have daddy's eyes. But you look just like your mommy. You have the greatest mommy in the world. She loves you so much. You're the best thing that's ever happened to her. No one will ever live you as much as mommy does. There's a very special thing between a mommy and her babies. I know you don't understand now, but when you get older and have your own babies, you'll know what I'm talking about. Thats going to be a LONG time from now. But, I'm just going to warn you, mommy's going to be crying a lot. Probably more than you. Don't be alarmed. She's just excited that you're finally here. Oh and she farts a lot. Just overlook that part." "I heard that," y/n giggled. "Oh sorry. Thought you were sleeping." "I was. And don't worry Niall. You're already a wonderful daddy," y/n said as she rolled over and went back to sleep. "I hope you think so, Cady." I looked down and I could've swore that Cadence smiled.

The end.

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