What Are You Talking About?

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I was in the kitchen, making lunch when I heard Niall call for me, "Hey, babe?" "Yeah?" I called back. "Can I use your laptop real quick? Mines going crazy." "Yeah. Go ahead." I continued to prepare our delicious grilled cheeses. "You're on twitter. You want me to log out?" He asked. "Oh yeah. That's fine." I finished making lunch and brought the sandwiches out into the living room. I saw Niall smiling at the computer screen. "What are you smiling at?" I asked, placing his plate on the coffee table. "Nothing. Just thought of something funny," he laughed. I grabbed the remote and looked for something to watch on tv. "Babe, can I ask you something?" Niall asked with a smile on his face. "Yeah," I said hesitantly. "Would you eat food off of my rock hard stomach?" I was so confused. "What are you talking about? What kind of question is that?" I laughed. "Or would you stare in my eyes that are as blue as the ocean all day?" "Niall, what are you talking about?" "Or would you 'Take Me Home' with you and stay 'Up All Night'?" I sat on the couch and looked at him. "Niall I have no idea what you're talking about." He looked on the computer screen and laughed. "What are you looking at?" I asked, trying to lean over and look. Niall pulled the laptop away and laughed. "Niall! Tell me!" I said, playfully punching him on the leg. "I found this blog by the name of LemmeRideHoran6969 and it's pretty graphic." It took awhile for me to figure out that Niall had found my old tumblr. "OH MY GOD NIALL NO!" I yelled, trying to get my laptop. "How did you find it?!" "You were logged into your old twitter and the link was in your bio." "I thought you were going to log out of it!!" "'Niall James Horan is my ideal man. He's hilarious, charming, and sexy. The things I would do to him-'" Niall read from my old blog. "Niall, stop!" I blushed. I jumped on top of him and grabbed the laptop and put it behind my back. "Come on, babe. Lemme see!" Niall begged. "Never in your wildest dreams!" I laughed. "I am deleting his blog right now!" I sat the laptop on the coffee table and deleted my blog. "I didn't know that you had a blog dedicated to me," he said nudging me with his foot. "I'd rather not talk about my fangirl days. It's not pretty," I laughed. "The life of a fangirl must've been hard." "You have NO idea." "I wanted to read some of it." "No way. It's too embarrassing and inappropriate." "Well I am flattered that you took the time to write about me." "Well I also took the time to make you a sandwich so eat it and lets forget about this." "Whatever you say, LemmeRideHoran6969." "NIALL SHUT UP!!!"

The end

Hey, guys!
I hope you've enjoyed these imagines today! I actually wrote those first two awhile ago but never posted them. I had to proofread and add some things so that's why I posted two today. Sorry this one is short. I also wanted to add another imagine to tell you about my Michael Imagines. I added another one tonight and I'd make my day if you could read them. They haven't got half as much attention and my Niall imagines and I'd like some feedback.

Anyway. TOMORROW I FINALLY GET TO SEE THIS IS US!! I've been waiting so long!!! Are you guys seeing it/have seen it?! Lemme know!

Oh and p.s. I have no idea if LemmeRideHoran6969 even exists or not. Hahahahahaha!!!!


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