You Deserve Better

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Niall and I were out at a small cafe having lunch one afternoon after he got home from tour. We've been friends for as long as I can remember. Our mothers were childhood friends so Niall and I practically grew up together. I considered him one of my best friends. I wouldn't, however, consider him a brother. There have been times where we've kissed a couple of times when we had a couple of drinks but nothing more. We had a flirtatious relationship but we didn't want to sacrifice our friendship. Plus, our lives were too different for it to work out anyway. So we decided to stay friends and it worked pretty well. That is, until I started dating Andrew. Niall could not stand Andrew and vise versa. Andrew was known as a bit of a prick but that wasn't the case all of the time. He just had his moments.

"I can't believe Andrew let you come with me," Niall scoffed as he picked up his sandwich and stuffed his face. I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my soda, "I'll have you know that he doesn't tell me what to do. I am independent and I will not have a guy tell me who and who I cannot hang with." He looked up and squinted his eyes. I avoided eye contact as I picked up a French fry and popped it in my mouth. I looked back up and saw Niall was staring at me, "What?!" "You didn't tell him you were eating with me, did you?" "I told him that I was having lunch with a friend and that's exactly what I'm doing." "But you didn't say my name, did you?" "Okay. No I didn't." "I wish you'd see how big of a twat he is and dump him." "He's not that bad. He's just difficult to get along with. You just have to get to know him. You could if you tried." "I went to school with him, Y/N. I know how he is and he's not right for you." "And how would you know that, Niall?" "Because I would be-" My phone interrupted him. I looked down and saw and picture of Andrew. "Hold on. I have to get this," I said holding up my finger. I picked my phone up and answered it, "Hello?" "I thought you were coming by to see me on my break?" Andrew groaned. "I told you I had plans." "Guess I wasn't paying attention. Who are you with anyway?" "A friend." I looked over at Niall and I could tell he was uncomfortable. I mouthed 'I'm sorry' to Niall and he nodded. "Which friend?" Andrew was getting frustrated. "Niall." "I thought I said that I didn't want you hanging out with him?" "Don't start this." "No. Why did you think it was okay to go behind my back?" I lowered my phone and looked at Niall. "I'll be right back. I have to take this outside." "Y/N, don't. Just hang up." "I can't." I excused myself and stepped outside the cafe. "I've told you a million times, Andrew. Niall is my friend. He's been out of town and I wanted to see him. That's it." "I don't want you with him, Y/N and that's final." "I'm not going to stop hanging out with him just because you feel threatened, Andrew." "Where are you?" "Don't worry about it." "Where are you, Y/N?" "I said don't worry about it. I'll be home soon. I'll call you later." "Don't bother." He hung up. Sometimes, I just want to punch that boy in the face and knee him in the crotch.

I walked back to the table to see that Niall had eaten all of his food. And some of mine. "So what was that about?" He asked leaning back in the booth. I slid in the booth and glanced over at him, "Oh you know. He got mad that I was here with you. Nothing new." "Are you happy with him?" I rested my back on the seat and sighed. "Niall, he's not like this all the time. He just has his bad days." Niall leaned over and rested his elbows on the table, "You deserve someone who treats you right all the time. Someone who will let you hang out with whoever you want." I knew he was one hundred perfect right but I don't know what to do. I think Niall knew that I was uncomfortable so he changed the subject. "How about we leave and go hang out at your place? Maybe bake some cookies and watch movies like old times?" I looked up and smiled, "Yeah. Lets do that." We got up and Niall payed for lunch, as much as I refused. I told him that I could pay for my own but he just said "You'll get it next time." Thats what he always said. What a gentleman.

We got into Niall's car and headed to my house. We pulled up to my driveway and I was in shock. "Someone's at your place." Niall said pulling next to the black SUV. "It's Andrew." I mumbled. "Well this should be interesting," Niall sighed. "Don't say anything. I'll talk to him. Wait here." I got out of the car while Niall waited patiently inside. Andrew got out and slammed his door. Here we go. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I want to know why you're hanging out with him?! You won't tell me the truth, you say that you're out with a friend but you're actually on a date with that douche!" He was getting red in the face and by the way he was yelling, he wasn't going to give it a rest. "Alright, first of all, I didn't lie. I said I was going to lunch with a friend. Niall is a friend. Second of all, it wasn't a date. Again, we're friends. And third of all, he's not a douche. He's a nice guy. You don't control me, Andrew. I can hang out with whoever I want to and I don't have to tell you exactly what I'm doing. I don't check in on you. You don't own me. I didn't tell you because I knew you'd get mad. I didn't lie. I withheld the truth." "Don't act like this, Y/N. Dont be a smarta**. You lied. You always do when it comes to him. I don't trust you with him." "You know what, Andrew? I'm tired of you. Thinking that you can control what I do and who I hang out with. You don't trust me and you don't respect me. You're pathetic. I should've listened to Niall sooner. I'm done." I was relieved. I had this huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Until Andrew opened his mouth again. "You're done with me?! I don't think so. You think I'm pathetic?!" Andrew started to come closer to me and I backed away. His tall stature completely overshadowed mine. That's when Niall got out of the car and intervened. He stepped in between us and pushed him away, "Don't step to her like that, man." Andrew backed up and looked at me, "I've been done with you. I just used you for an easy lay. If you thought I cared about you, you're dumber than I thought. You're the pathetic one. I've got girls lining up to be with me, babe. Forget you. If you and ole Lucky Charms here want to bang then fine, I'm done with you. You can have the little slut, Horan." Andrew yelled as he turned to his car. Next thing I knew, Niall grabbed Andrew's shoulder and decked him in the face. Andrew fell on the gravel and held his nose. Niall flipped him over and hit him again and again. "Niall!" I yelled, running and grabbing his arm before he could hit Andrew again. "Don't ever talk about her like that again. You'd look a lot worse if she wasn't here. Get out of here before I make you." Niall scoffed as he shook his hand. Niall glanced at me as he made his way into my house. I looked at Andrew as he knelt in my driveway. I looked at Andrew as he laid in my driveway. He was a bloody mess. I turned around before he could see me cry. If never had another person talk to me like that before. And I've certainly never had anyone defend me like Niall did. I went into the house and shut the door. Seconds later, I heard Andrew slam his car door and speed away. I turned the corner and saw Niall with his hand in the sink, running cold water over it. I stopped myself from crying and walked over to him. I saw his knuckles were already bruised and cut up. "You okay?" He asked when he saw my red puffy eyes. "Yeah," I said wiping my face, "I'm fine. How's your hand?" "It hurts a little. Nothing I can't handle." I went over to the cabinet and got a bandage. I motioned for him to join me at the kitchen table. I nursed his hand and looked at him, "You didn't have to do that." He shrugged, "I don't know what came over me. Hearing him talk to you like that made me lose it. He had no right." I lowered my head and looked at my hands that were resting on the table. Niall reached over and held my hands. I looked over and met his gaze. "It's not true, you know," he whispered. I didn't say anything. "You're not pathetic, Y/N. You deserve someone so much better than him. Someone to tell you how special you are. Someone to tell you how beautiful you are. Someone who respects you. You deserve that." I wiped a tear from my cheek and shook my head, "Well I'm starting to believe that that person doesn't exist." "They do. They just want a chance." I looked up and Niall placed a gentle kiss on my lips. I was surprised but I gave in. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back. Niall placed his good hand on my neck and pulled me in closer. I began to think about what was going on. I was kissing Niall. My best friend. The boy who had just punched my ex's face in. The boy who had been there all along but I was too dumb to see it. I smiled and pulled away. I looked into his eyes and he smiled. "So are you going to give me a chance to show you how a guy should treat a girl?" He asked. "How are we going to make this work?" "We'll figure something out. Just let me do that. You don't have to worry about anything. Ever." "Will I have to worry about you beating anyone else up?" "If they disrespect my girl again, then maybe. Just one chance. That's all I'm asking." "Alright, Niall." I smiled and kissed him. I reached down and held his hand. He jerked away and winced. "Oh I'm sorry!" I apologized after realizing what hand I touched. "It's fine. Word of advice, don't punch people in the face. Faces are hard and they hurt." He joked. "Yeah. Skulls usually are hard." We both laughed. Niall sighed and looked at me, "He called me 'Lucky Charms'. I don't even know how to react to that, really." "Yeah. I heard that. I guess because you're Irish." "Is it suppose to be an insult or what?" "I'm not sure. I don't think so. They're magically delicious." Niall laughed, "I guess so." "So do you want to start those cookies now?" I asked. "That sounds great, princess." Niall leaned in and kissed me before getting up and helping me gather all the ingredients for our cookies.

The end

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