I'll Be Your Date

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"So are you guys excited for the wedding?" I asked Zayn and Perrie as we all stood around the kitchen island. "Yes! I am so ready! I go next week for the last fitting before the big day," Perrie beamed. I looked at Zayn and gave him a smile. He smirked and put his arm around Perrie's waist, "I'm just ready to get it over with." Perrie shot Zayn a glare. "I just mean that planning it has been so stressful. I'm ready to put it all together and relax," he added. Perrie relaxed and looked back at me, "Oh yeah. It has been awfully stressful." "I can only imagine," I replied. Just then, Niall came in and joined us in the kitchen. "What are we talking about?," he asked. I rolled my eyes and looked at Perrie with a smile. "Nice of you to join us Niall," I joked. "I had to finish watching that match. Derby killed it. What'd I miss?" He replied. "We were talking about the wedding," Perrie grinned. "I should've known," Niall joked, going to the fridge for a beer. "So have you found a date yet?" Perrie asked me. "A date? I don't even have a dress yet," I chuckled. "Well just come with me next week. We'll find you something. You'll just have to find a date," she laughed. "I'll be your date," Niall requested. Zayn, Perrie, and I looked at Niall at the same time. "What?" I asked surprisingly. "I said I could take you. You know, as friends. I don't have a date yet either," he replied. "Well that's very sweet of you, Niall," Perrie awed. "What? I don't have a date, she doesn't have a date, so why not kill two birds with one stone?" He responded. Zayn was looking at Niall with a smile on his face. I don't know what his problem was. "Alright," I agreed. "I like where this is going," Perrie squealed. Zayn nudged her with his elbow. I ignored her comment and flipped through a magazine while Zayn and Niall discussed the Derby match.

*one week later*

"What about this one?" I asked Perrie as I modeled the hundredth dress. "Eh. I don't like that color. Try this one," she replied, handing me a peach colored dress. I took it and went back into the dressing room. "I think it's sweet how Niall's your date," I heard Perrie say from the other side of the curtain. I could imagine that cheeky smile on her face. "How's it sweet? He just asked me because neither of is had a date," I replied. "I think he really likes you, Y/N." "Niall? No he doesn't." "I think he does. The way he looks at you is indescribable. He talks to Zayn about you. He's told me." I pulled the curtain to look at Perrie's face. "What does he say?" I could feel the butterflies begin to flutter in my stomach. "He talks about how cool and down to earth you are. And how you're so different. And how you're so pretty." "Really?" I could feel my cheeks blushing. "Yeah. I think it's sweet. You two would be so cute together," she smiled.

The thought of Niall having a "crush" on me completely blew my mind. Ever since the day Perrie introduced me to Niall, I thought he was the cutest thing. Everything he did was cute. His jokes, laugh, personality, face, everything. The more I hung out with him, the more I liked him. I decided not to chance our friendship by trying to make a move on him. I was terrified of rejection. I always thought he was way out of my league. He lives this extraordinary life and I'm just normal. He'd get bored with me instantly.

"Y/N? Are you even listening to me?" Perrie asked, snapping her fingers in front of my face. "Huh?" I asked. "I said that you should buy that dress. It looks fantastic on you." I looked in the mirror to look at the dress Perrie had picked out. The peach dress came right above my knee and poofed out slightly. It being strapless showed enough without being too trashy. It was dressy but not too formal. "I think this is the one," I boasted. Perrie smiled and nodded in agreement, "Niall will love it!"

*the day of the wedding*

I finished getting ready for the wedding as I waited for Niall to come pick me up. Niall texted me, letting me know that he was in my driveway. I grabbed my purse, locking my door as I walked out. I saw Niall getting out of the car as I walked towards him. "Y/N I was going to....um.....come up and get you. Wow." He muttered. "What? What's wrong?" I asked, looking at my dress and my shoes to make sure there wasn't a line of toilet paper attached. "Nothing. Nothing's wrong. You just look so beautiful." "Oh. Well thank you," I blushed. "So um. Are you ready?" He asked. He was acting so weird. He never acted this nervous with me before. "Yeah," I responded. "Let's go," he said motioning me to the car. He walked around and opened the door for me. I gave him a smile and he closed the door. He walked around and hopped in the driver's seat. "I think this is the first time I've seen you in a dress," Niall laughed as he backed out of my driveway. "I don't like to wear them. I'd rather wear jeans," I admitted. "Well you look fantastic." "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself. You clean up nice when you want to," I joked. "Thanks, I think." "You're welcome," I laughed. We made small little jokes back and forth the whole ride to the church.

We arrived at the church and it was so beautiful. Flowers filled the entrance and along the seats. Zayn and Perrie's family nearly filled the entire church. Everyone was excited to finally see "Zerrie" united as husband and wife. Niall and I sat close to the front of the church. "It's so beautiful in here. They did a fantastic job decorating," I awed as I looked around the church. "It is beautiful," Niall replied and when I looked at him, I noticed he was looking at me. As soon as our eyes met, he turned away. I smiled shyly and turned my attention back to the decorations.

The wedding started and Perrie walked out in her wedding gown. She was absolutely gorgeous. As she made her way to the alter to join Zayn, we all sat down. They said their vows and I couldn't help but shed a couple of tears. I could feel Niall looking at me so I turned to meet his gaze. "What?" I whispered as I tried to wipe my eyes with the back of my hand. He smiled and pulled a handkerchief out of the pocket of his jacket. "Here," he whispered, handing me the handkerchief. I took it, wiped my eyes, and bundled it in my hand. "Thank you," I sniffed. He just smiled and rested his hand on my knee. It was weird how every time he looked at me or touched me, I get butterflies.

The wedding ended and it was just as perfect as I imagined it would be. We all gathered in the building beside the church for the reception. I sat at a table, watching people dance like idiots. Niall joined me at the table with two glasses of punch. "I thought you might need a drink after you bawled your eyes out," he joked. "I did not bawl. I teared up. It was so sweet. I can't see how you didn't cry," I said, taking a sip of my punch. "Wedding just don't make me cry." "They could if you payed attention to them." "What do you mean? I payed attention." "Yeah when you weren't looking at me." I noticed that Niall turned a light shade of pink. "I wasn't looking at you," he grinned. "You were. I saw you." "Only because I heard you sobbing." "Whatever you say." He smiled and shook his head and turned to look at the people dancing. The song changed to a slow song and Niall looked over at me. "You wanna dance?" He asked. "Seriously?" I tried to see if he was joking or not. I couldn't tell. "Yeah. We're at a wedding, aren't we? We have to dance at least once," he said, standing up and reaching for my hand. "I guess so," I smiled and took Niall's hand. He led me to the center of the room where all the other couples were dancing, including Zayn and Perrie. Niall held one of my hands in his while his free hand rested on my lower back. I glanced and Perrie and she her smile covered her whole face. I smiled and rolled my eyes at her. Niall and I swayed back and forth to the music. "Do you even know how to slow dance?" I giggled. "Not really," he whispered with a smile on his face. I looked around to see how everyone was so happy. Zayn and Perrie were slow dancing together and I could just tell how much they loved each other. "I can't believe how great this all turned out," I said. "I know," he agreed. "How do you picture your wedding?" He asked. "I haven't even thought about my wedding yet," I laughed. "Why not? Isn't that something girls do? Plan every single detail years in advance." "Well the girl kinda needs a boyfriend first." "So get a boyfriend." "That's easier said than done. I don't exactly have guys lining up at my door to date me." "Well they are crazy. You're pretty amazing." I blushed and looked up at him, "Well thanks." "Can I ask you something?" "Sure." "Would it be cheesy if I were to ask you out at a wedding reception? I mean, I've always wanted to but for some reason I always chickened out." "Why is that?" I asked. "I don't know. I always thought you never really liked me." "Really? I thought you didn't like me. Well, like that anyway," I admitted. "I've always liked you. I always thought you were nice then when I got to know you, I knew that you were amazing, beautiful, and honestly, too good for me." I blushed, "That's crazy. If anything, you're too good for me. You live this crazy, exciting life and there's me. You meet all these different people everyday. You could have anyone." "But I don't want just anyone. I want you." His words surprised me. "Niall..." I said but then he interrupted me with a kiss. We stopped "dancing" and I placed both of my arms around his neck, pulling him close. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tight. When we pulled away, our smiles were from ear to ear. "So would you wanna do something sometime?" He laughed. "Yes. Definitely," I responded before giving him another kiss. Who would've known that I showed up to a wedding single and left with a boyfriend? Best wedding I've been to so far.

The End.

HEY GUISE!!! I'm so sorry for not posting as much anymore. I'm just really busy with school and work. I'm going to try to make more time to write. Sorry for keeping you guys waiting!

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