"You come 'ere often?"

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Hey guys!

Can you believe that this is the 100th post of Niall Imagines?! That's crazy!

So since this is a big point in this little collection of imagines, I decided to do something different.

You know that I don't really write "smut" in these but I thought since this is the 100th, I would definitely spice things up.

Now I don't want you to think that since I upped this one up a ton, it's going to be the same for the upcoming imagines. That isn't the case. This was just for the sake of it being the 100th post. Then again, I'm not necessarily saying this is the last either. ;)

I also wanted to add this little note to ask you guys to check out my Michael Imagines too. I've been writing some Walking Dead inspired imagines that I'm really excited for and proud of so if you could check those out, I would really appreciate it.

I love you guys so much!!!!


"A bet is a bet, babe. I won. You lost. Fair is fair," Niall laughed as he collapsed on the couch next to me.

"No! You cheated!" I yelled, moving to the other side of the couch.

Niall began to complain about how I always picked what TV show or movie we watched so he bet that I couldn't chug a bottle of ginger ale. So the bet was that if I succeeded in the chugging of the ale, I would continue to choose what we watched but if I lost, Niall would choose for a week. But what Niall did was waited until I had my mouth full and then made a face, causing me to almost choke to death. He knew it would crack me up and that I would lose which is what happened. So now I'm stuck watching nothing but action movies and football games.

"I did not cheat. There were no rules that stated I could not tease you," he smirked, turning the tv on some action movie staring Bruce Willis.

"I didn't think I would have to explain that you couldn't cheat."

"Well you thought wrong."

I grabbed my phone from the side table and laid my feet in his lap. "Watch what you want. I'm not going to pay attention," I pouted.

Niall smiled and lightly tickled my feet, causing me to giggle a little bit.

I scrolled through tumblr and noticed that someone I followed was reblogging nice pictures of the boys. Curious to see what else they'd posted, I clicked on their username. I wasn't surprised to see that they were a very successful fan account. Even though I date one of the members, I must admit that I still like to partake in "fangirling". It wasn't that long ago that I was like them. So I continued to scroll down to see a very long text post. After reading the first sentence, it was obvious that it was smut about Niall. Seeing as though I had nothing else to do other than watch some movie I have no interest in, I continued to read the smut.

After reading a couple more sentences, I began to smile. Just seeing fans write about such intimate moments with Niall just made me laugh because it's so far from what he actually does. Right before I got to the good stuff, Niall rubbed my leg.

"Did you hear me?" He asked, nudging my leg.

"Huh?" I asked, locking my phone.

"I said 'did you hear me'."

"Oh, uh, no. What were you saying?"

"I asked if you'd think I'd look good bald like Bruce Willis but it seemed like you were fascinated with what you were looking at. What was it?"


"It wasn't nothing. You were smiling and blushing."

"No. It was something on tumblr."


"No! Not porn!" I laughed.

"Then let me see, he said, reaching his hand out.

"No," I shook my head.

"Come on. Lemme see."

"I said no," I smiled.

Niall smirked and crawled over to me, trying to get my phone. I quickly put it behind my back. "Get away from me," I laughed, pushing him away.

"I just wanna see," he said, reaching behind me.

"It's nothing," I mumbled, trying to move my phone under the cushions. The phone slipped between the couch and cushion and landed in the floor. Niall quickly bent over and swooped my phone up, running on the other side of the couch. He unlocked my phone, seeing the smut right away.

"Is this..... fanfiction?" He laughed, looking up at me.

"It's smut actually," I coughed, sitting back on the couch.

Niall threw his leg over the couch and climbed over to sit down. "Why are you reading smut when you have the real thing?"

"It was on tumblr and I was bored so I just read a little bit of it," I explained, feeling embarrassed.

"'There you were. In your shared flat with Niall. You were wearing one of Niall's tank top-no bra and just panties. He bit his lip. "Ey, ya come 'ere often?"" Niall read. It was so weird hearing Niall read smut about himself out loud. "I wouldn't say that. Of course you come here often. It's our house," he critiqued.

I laughed as he continued to read.

"'Niall slipped his hand down your shorts and into your underwear. His hand ran over your' WHOA! I can't read that! Who wrote this?! How old are they?!" He screamed, scrolling through the rest of the story.

I couldn't even respond to his question because I was laughing so hard.

"I should tell their mothers," Niall chuckled, continuing to read it.

"Would you stop reading it?! It's weird!" I yelled, grabbing my phone from his hands.

"Hey! It was just getting good!" He whined. I logged out of my tumblr and sat my phone down on the table.

"Did you ever write smut like that before we met?" He smirked.

"No I didn't. I was just a fan of it," I replied, crossing my arms and attempting to pay attention to the movie.

"You know," he mumbled, crawling over to me, "we could act it out." He placed kisses on the side of my neck, causing me to smile.

"No, Niall," I giggled, playfully pushing him away.

"Oh, come on. You come 'ere often, babe?" He asked, leaving love bites on my neck and gently laying me back on the couch.

I decided to give in so I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer to me. I ran my fingers up his back, to the nape of his neck, tugging his hair.

His hand slid down my sides, to the front of my shorts. He lifted his head to kiss me before slowly sliding his hand below the waistband. My breathing hitched before a loud pounding came from down the hall.

"Someone's at the door," he mumbled, breaking away from the kiss.

"Shut up, ignore it," I panted, pulling him back to my lips.

The banging got even louder followed by a "NIALL OPEN UP ITS GREG!"

"Babe, it's Greg. We're supposed to get stuff for Theo's birthday party."

"Ugh, fine," I sighed, catching my breath.

"Believe me, we're far from finished. Just wait till I come back," he smirked before giving me a kiss. He hopped off the couch and fixed his jeans before opening the door.

I'll definitely have to show Niall more smut in the future.

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