You Fight With One Of The Boys

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"I cannot believe him! I hate him! I really do," you screamed at Niall. "Babe, calm down. He didn't mean anything by it. You know how Louis is. He likes to joke around." Niall said trying to comfort you. "I understand joking around, but it gets old when he does it all the time."

Louis had always given you a rough time. He was always cracking jokes about how you dressed or what you liked. So when you and Niall went over to Louis' house for a small get together, Louis was not showing any mercy. First, he made fun of how you dressed. He said how the oversized T-shirt you were wearing made you look like a prepubescent boy. Then he made fun of the movie you wanted to watch. "Twilight? I'd rather eat nails," Louis giggled. You knew Louis liked to joke around but some of the jokes really offended you. Everything that came out of your mouth was turned into a joke by him and you were fed up.

"You just have to overlook him," Niall reassured you. "Niall. I can take banter. But when it's every time I'm around him, it gets old. He only does it to me. I can't even say anything without being the butt of the joke. And you just sit there and laugh. That doesn't help. I'm getting to where I don't even want to be around him." "I'm sorry, y/n. I didn't know you felt this way. I'll talk to him, okay?" "Okay." Niall kissed your head and you walked into kitchen to whip up a quick meal.

You were getting ready to make some stir fry when there was a knock at the door. "Niall? Can you get that? I'm busy." Niall hopped up and answered the door. You heard Louis' voice from the living room. Niall had left his phone at Louis' place so he was returning it. Niall and Lou stood beside the door and chatted. "So what are you guys up to?" Louis asked Niall, trying to start a conversation. "Well, y/n is whipping up some stir fry and I'm catching up on the football match." Niall replied. "Ah so she's finally cooking, or trying anyway." Louis laughed. You heard him and just rolled your eyes. "Uh Lou. Can you lay off the smart comments?" "Whatdya mean? I'm just kidding." "But sometimes you keep on and it gets old. I know you don't mean anything but it gets to her." "I didn't realize it was a problem." "You just tend to mainly pick on y/n and you should just back off some. She gets upset." "Alright, mate. I'm going to go apologize."

Niall walked over and sat on the couch. You could hear the match resuming in the other room. "It smells really good, y/n." you turned around and saw Lou leaning on the counter. "Thanks," you replied softly. "Listen, I'm sorry if it seems like I constantly pick on you. I don't mean anything by it. If I had known it bothered you, I would've stopped." "I don't mind the jokes, but it's just all the time. And you criticize everything I like and do." "I'm sorry. I'll stop. I promise. I feel terrible." "It's okay, Lou. Just you apologizing makes me feel better." "Can I get a hug?" "Of course." Louis walked over and have you a apologetic hug. "Would you like to stay for some stir fry?" You asked. "I can't. I promised El that I would take her out. So I'd better leave. I really am sorry, y/n." "Thanks, Lou. It really means a lot to me." Louis have you another hug before heading into the living room. You overheard Niall and Louis talking. "I didn't realize I was being such a wanker." Louis laughed. "Well she still has to get used to your sense of humor. Just lay off the y/n jokes." "I will. I'll mess with you instead." "Yeah. We'll see." Louis and Niall laughed and hugged each other. Louis walked out to meet El at the restaurant.

You finished the food and walked in to the living room to tell Niall to come eat. He wasn't paying any attention so you went behind the couch and wrapped your arms around his neck. "How's the game?" You asked. "Eh. We're down my 3. The food done?" "Yep. It's cooling down a bit." "Well it smells amazing." "Thanks babe. Have I ever told you how much I love you?" "What do you want?" You pulled away and playfully slapped his shoulder. You stepped over the couch and sat in his lap. "Nothing! I just think you're the greatest boyfriend in the world. The way you take up for me is precious and I love you." "Well of you're upset and if there's anything I can do about it, I'm going to do it. I'm not happy unless you're happy. And I love you too." You pulled Niall off the couch and he wrapped his arms around your waist. He leaned down and kissed your nose. You giggled and Niall looked at you and said, "Now lets eat that food. I'm starving."

The end

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