Big Brother

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A/N: This was an idea from nanynabi.
For the sake of this imagine, let's all pretend we have a protective older brother named Cody who has a girlfriend named Veronica. I like the name Veronica. Reminds me of a certain sexy assistant. Meow. Lololololololol!!! Anyway, enjoy!



"Would you hurry up and get ready? Cody and Veronica will be here any minute," I groaned, as I cleaned the coffee table off. Niall was still in his pajamas, watching a football game and my brother and his girlfriend were coming to pay us a visit. "I don't know why he insists on coming over. I'm positive that he doesn't like me," he said, stretching out on the couch. "Well you two have never tried to have a decent conversation." "That's because we don't like each other. We don't see eye to eye." "And that needs to change. I want you both to be friends. You two are the closest people to me and I want you to get along. It hurts that my own boyfriend can't be in the same room as my brother." "It's not my fault." I grabbed Niall's hands and pulled him off of the couch and into a hug. "Can you please try to get along with him? For me?" I pleaded. "Only for you," he kissed me on the top of my head. "Okay now please go change," l said, pushing him towards the stairs. "Alright!" He threw his hands up in the air and I smacked his butt as he walked towards our room.

Cody and I have always been close. He was four years older than me and he has always been protective. He's never liked any of my boyfriends, especially Niall. The first time I introduced Niall to my family and friends, everyone loved him except Cody. He never would tell me why. Every time we would visit, Cody would make rude comments to Niall for no reason. I've tried to tell him to back off, but Cody is so stubborn. It never did any good. I want nothing more than for them to get along.

I was straightening the living room up when there was a knock on the door. I walked over and greeted Cody and Veronica. "Hey munchkin!" Cody yelled, pulling me into a huge bear hug and lifting me off of the ground. "Put me down, ya goof!" I squealed, playfully hitting Cody on the back. He placed me on the ground and laughed. "Hey Veronica," I smiled. "Hey! It's nice to see you again," he said, pulling me into a hug. She and Cody had been dating for as long as I could remember. She's the sweetest thing. "Please come in," I said, leading them into my house. "Wow. The place looks nice, sis. You've did a good job," Cody said, looking around at the decorations. "Well you haven't been here since Niall and I bought it," I said, placing my hands on my hips, looking around. "Where is your lover boy anyway?" "He's changing clothes. And don't start, Cody. I'm so tired of this crap." "I've already talked to him," Veronica said, sitting on the couch. "I don't know what you're talking about. I just don't like the way he treats you," Cody scoffed, sitting beside Veronica. "He treats me fine. Stop it. Don't start today." "Alright. Whatever." Just then, Niall walked down the stairs in his clean clothes. "Here he is," I smiled. "You remember Veronica, don't you, babe?" I asked. "Of course. Hello," he said, bending down to give her a quick hug. "Hey, Niall," she smiled. "Hey, Cody." "Hey," Cody mumbled. "Can I offer you guys a beer or water or something?" Niall asked. "Yeah. Beer thanks," Cody said. I walked into the kitchen with Niall to get the beers. "He said he wouldn't start anything. So lets just have a nice evening, okay?" I said, leaning against the counter. "Okay," Niall sighed. He got the beers and we walked back into the living room. Niall handed Cody and Veronica their beers and sat down in the recliner, pulling me into his lap. Cody eyed Niall's guitar in the corner and asked, "You still play in that band?" "Yeah. We're still around," Niall replied. "When's the next tour?" "In a couple of months." "So how long are you going to be gone?" I knew exactly where this was going. I glared at Cody, begging him to stop. Niall cleared his throat, "About nine months." "So that's nine months Y/N is going to be alone while you're out living it up," Cody scoffed. "Stop," I bluntly said. "I'm just asking a question," he said. I snapped, "I am so tired of this! What is your problem?! I need to know!" Cody shrugged, "I don't know what you're talking about." I stood up and poured my feeling out. "No, Cody! I'm serious! I am so tired of the little comments! Lets get everything out in the open! It's time for you and Niall to talk." Cody just sat there and drank his beer. I looked at Niall, "Okay, Niall. You start." Niall scooted to the edge of the recliner and rested his hands on his knees, "I'm just going to be completely honest, Cody. I really don't have a problem with you. I think the only reason you don't like me is that you're over protective of Y/N. That's the only thing I can think of. I've always been nice to you. I don't see why we can't be civil." I looked at Cody and I could tell he was getting aggravated. He cleared his throat and sat his beer down. "Alright, Niall. Lets be honest. Yeah, you're right. I am protective over Y/N. She's my little sister. And to be honest, I don't think you're good enough for her. You're gone most of the time. She's always alone. She deserves someone who will be there for her and you're never around. She's a young girl. She needs to have someone around. And I don't trust you. You're in a successful boy band. You have girls around all the time and I just find it hard that you keep your hands to yourself. And Y/N, I'm disappointed in you. You move away from your whole family and you move in with this guy before marriage? And I know you're sleeping together. Mom and dad raised you better." I could not believe what I had just heard from my own brother. "You are unbelievable. You have no idea what you're talking about. Why can't you accept the fact that I'm happy?" I said, tears welling up in my eyes. I excused myself and went out the backdoor, Veronica behind me. I sat down on the back porch and cried in my hands. "He didn't mean that, Y/N. He's just protective. That's all. Just let them talk it out," Veronica reassured me, rubbing my back in support.

*Niall's POV*

Y/N stormed out of the house with Veronica following behind her. I can't stand to see her like this. I hated to see her cry. Cody just sat on the couch. He didn't seem to care the he practically ripped his sister's heart out. I'm tired of all this. It's time we put it behind us. "Listen, Cody. I understand where you're coming from. She's your little sister. I'd be the same way. But let me just say this. I love that girl more than anything on this planet. I've always respected her and I've never made her do anything she doesn't want to do. I know that I'm not around for her as much as I should and I wish I could change that. I've told her that she can come with me but she says she couldn't bare being that far away from her family. It's hard for her living 30 minutes away from you guys, let alone thousands of miles. And I'm not going to discuss our intimate business but I can guarantee you that we're careful. I want to marry her one day, Cody. I'm in love with her. She's the only one I want. It's okay that you don't trust me. As long as she does, that's all that matters to me. You don't even have to like me but as long as Y/N is around, can you pretend to because I can't stand to see her like this and neither can you." I leaned back in the recliner and waited for Cody to respond. He didn't say anything. He eyes were glued to the floor. He slowly looked up at me but when he went to say something, Y/N and Veronica walked back in. Y/N stood beside me. I looked up at her to see if she was okay. She nodded and turned her attention to Cody. "Can we talk?" She asked him. "Yeah. Sit down. I want Niall to hear this too," he said. Y/N sat down on the arm of the recliner as Cody began to talk. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm sorry to you too, Niall. I'm sorry for everything I said. I know you're not a little girl anymore. You're free to make your own choices. And I think Niall is a great guy and I'm sorry it took me this long to figure it out." Y/N smiled and walked over to hug Cody. I stood up and walked over to shake his hand. "Thank you," I said, before giving him a bro hug.


Niall and Cody finally worked it out. They spent the rest of the evening talking about everything they had in common. I couldn't be happier. They were finally becoming friends. We weren't use to having nice visits with Cody. Now that everyone was getting along, we could finally have Cody and Veronica stay the night in our guest room and have a nice time together. After that visit, we never went a week without seeing my big brother and Niall's new best friend.

The end.


I'm not sure how I feel about this one. I don't think it's been one of my best. Sorry if you didn't like it.

Ello, my lovely muffins!! I just wanted to tell you guys that I recently got my first job and that I may not be able to post as often as I'd Iike to. Please be patient with me. I had to get a job if I wanna see Where We Are next year! I'll try and write whenever I can. Thanks, lovelies!!


- Beth xxxxx

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