Piece of Cake

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Niall, Cady, and I sat on the couch, watching tv. Cady had been talking to my belly ever since she learned that mommy was going to have a baby. "And now, Spongebob and Patrick are going jellyfishing. That's when they get nets and catch jellyfish. But they don't hurt them. They let them go." Cady said, rubbing my belly. "Do you think your little brother or sister will like Spongebob?" Niall asked her. She gave her daddy a sarcastic look. "Yes daddy. Everyone likes Spongebob. Even babies." I laughed at how sassy Cady has become now that she's getting older. Louis has had quite the impact on her and I love it. Niall laughed and threw his hands up in the air, "Well excuse me, your highness! I'm sorry I asked a question." "It's okay, daddy. You didn't know." Cady crawled off the couch and ran off to play in her room. Niall scooted closer and put one arm around my shoulder and the other on my stomach. He traced small circles around my 4 month bump. "So tomorrows the big appointment. We're going to find out if Conner James or Ashlyn Grace is joining the family." Niall whispered. "I know." I said rubbing the sides of my tummy. "But I don't know if I'm ready to find out. I mean, I want to find out but in a different way." "What'd you mean?" "I mean, with Cady, the technician just said 'You're having a girl'. I want this time to be different." "How do you want it to be different?" "Well I was looking around on the Internet and I saw that someone told the ultrasound tech to write down the gender and seal in an envelope. I want to do that but I'm going to get my mom to come with me tomorrow so she can keep the envelope and she's going to be the only person who knows." "Well why can't I keep it?" I turned my head towards Niall. "Because you'll be tempted to look at it and then you'll tell me. You can't keep a secret." "Alright. Fair enough. Well when will we find out the sex of the baby?" "The baby shower. My mom is gonna figure out a way to surprise everyone." "Okay. Whatever you want." "That's right. It is whatever I want." Niall looked at me and I couldn't help but laugh. "You know, I'm starting to think you're the one Cady's getting her sass from. Not Louis." Niall said. "Like mother like daughter." I laughed.

*A couple of weeks later*

Niall, Cady, and I arrived at my parents' house. It was finally time for the baby shower and to find out the gender of the baby. I thought my mom would blow the surprise by the decorations that were all over the place but she bought boy and girl decorations to keep the secret. My parents' house was filled with mine and Niall's family and friends. My old friends, the boys, their girlfriends, Niall's friends, and parents were all here. We didn't ask for presents this time. This was more of an annoucement party than a baby shower. "Okay everyone! I need the expecting parents to sit at the table and everyone else to sit around them." My mom announced. Niall and I sat at the head of the table, surrounded by our loved ones. "Daddy, can I sit here too?" Cady asked. Niall picked her up and sat her in his lap. My mom walked over to the table with a huge cake in her hands. "So as everyone knows, y/n and Niall wanted to find out the gender of the baby in a fun way. So I've been brainstorming fun ideas and I came up with this one. I want Niall and y/n to cut into the cake. The color will reveal the gender. If its blue, Conner James is on his way. If its pink, Ashlyn Grace is in her way. I'm excited for everyone to find out so cut it already!" I took the cake server in my hand and looked at Niall and Cady. "Are you ready?" I asked. "Yeah! Come on, mommy!" Cady shrieked. Niall looked at me and nodded. I slowly cut a piece of cake. I pulled the slice away from the cake, revealing the light blue color. I smiled at looked at Niall. "It's a boy!" I leaned over and hugged Niall and Cady. Niall kissed me and the top of Cady's head. Everyone cheered around us. I looked at Niall and said "Our life cannot get any better." Niall kissed my lips and said, "All we need is little Conner." I hope the next few months will fly by. I'm ready to meet my little prince.

The end



I'm taking a break from the personal imagines. I just feel like I'm not paying the Niall imagines as much attention and it seems more people enjoy these more. I may post some personal imagines from time to time but it won't be as frequent as it has been. I'm still taking requests though! I keep a list so I don't lose track so keep them coming. Also, if you have any ideas for the Niall imagines, let me know. I'd love to hear them.

Thanks for all the baby names! They were all really cute! I decided to go with a boy since they already have Cady. I saw where someone mentioned an Irish name so I decided to google some more Irish boy names. I knew I wanted the middle name to be James but I wasn't sure about the first name. I saw Conner was listed and I thought it sounded really good with James. Conner James Horan. I like it. So are you guys ready for the baby to get here?

Well not really since its imaginary but anyway.

Comment and vote! I love seeing what you guys think! It's definitely motivation to keep writing!

Love y'all!

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