It Was Just A Joke

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It was a normal day at the Horan/ Y/last/N household. I was at home doing some cleaning while Niall was on set shooting some video. He never would tell me what exactly he and the boys were up to. He always wanted me to be surprised along with the fans. But, there were a few times when I would catch him singing lyrics to some of their new songs. Before Take Me Home was released, he sang Little Things to me for my birthday. Best gift ever. Siggghhh. Anyway, I was folding laundry when my phone began to ring. It was Niall. "Hey, babe," I answered. "Hello, princess. What are you doing?" His sweet accent rang through the phone. "I'm just folding clothes." "Well drop them, come to the studio, and I'll take you to lunch." "When? Now?" "Yeah. Just head on down here." "Alright on my way." "See you then, baby. Drive safe. Love you." "I love you too." I hung up the phone and headed to the studio.

I followed the directions Niall had texted me and eventually found the studio. I was wasn't sure if I was at the right place until I recognized the boys' cars in front. I got out of the car and walked through the front doors. There was a petite girl at a desk in the entrance. She was the secretary, I suppose. I walked up to the desk and rested my hands on it. "Excuse me, miss." She raised her head and smiled at me, "Yes, can I help you?" "I was wondering if you could tell me where I could find Niall Horan?" She looked at me like I was an idiot or something. She shook her head, "I'm sorry. I can't give out that information." "I'm Y/N. His girlfriend," I sternly told her. "Do you realize how many girls come in here saying they're one of the boys' girlfriends? There's a lot." "But I really am." "Sure sweetie. I'm sure you are." I pulled my phone out and dialed Niall's number. I looked at her and held up a finger. She gave me one of those smirks that made me want to slap her. "Hey, babe!" He answered. "Hey, Niall. I'm here but this chick at the desk won't let me come through." "Oh I forgot to tell her you were coming. I'll send for you." "Alright. I'm waiting." I hung up and put my phone into my pocket. I looked at the snooty girl behind the desk and smiled, "He's sending someone." "Oh. Okay," she winked. I've only known this girl for 2 minutes and I already disliked her. I stood beside the desk as I waited for someone to come and get me. I then saw Zayn walking up the hallway. He pulled out a card and swiped it into the door, unlocking it. The girl turned to see Zayn and she stood out of her chair like he was the Pope or something. "Hey, Zayn," I said walking towards him. "Hey, Y/N. It's fine, Stacy. She's here for Niall." I turned to look at Stacy. Her smile turned into a blunt line. "Bye, Stacy," I said, emphasizing on her name. She ignored me and sat back down at her desk. I quietly giggled as I followed Zayn down the hallway.

"So what is Niall doing?" I asked as Zayn led me deeper into the studio. "I'm not sure. He said he had to finish up a couple more things before he went to lunch. He shouldn't be long." He took me into this big room that looked like a break room or something. It had vending machines, tables, a tv and a couch inside. "You can wait in here while he finishes up. I'll go see how much longer he's gonna take." Zayn said going back into the hallway. "Alright. I'll just.....wait here. By myself... All alone..." I sighed, noticing Zayn had already left. "Guess I'm just talking to myself of now..."

I sat on the couch and scrolled through tumblr as I waited for Niall. It was going on 12:30 and he still wasn't finished. Lunchtime was practically over. I tried texting him but he didn't text back. I turned on the tv and began watching some Lifetime movie. I was looking at my phone when I noticed someone had came into the room. I looked up, hoping it was Niall, but it wasn't. It seemed to be an older man. He was looking in the vending machine. I guess he saw my reflection in the machine because he turned around and looked at me. "Well hello there," he said smiling, walking towards me. I shifted a little in my seat. I don't like to judge, but this dude looked like a creeper. His voice was deep and husky. I couldn't tell but I could hear a slight accent. He was kinda tall, balding, and a tad bit overweight. He face was chubby and there was something about him that gave me the creeps. But I must admit, he had some pretty eyes. "Hello," I shyly said back. "How are you today?" He asked, sitting next to me on the couch. I scooted over some to distance myself from him. "I'm fine," I tried to look like I was busy on my phone. "What is a pretty young lady like you doing here? Are you one of those video girls?" "No." "You could be. You're breathtaking. How old are you?" "What's with all these questions?" "I'm just trying to start a conversation with a beautiful young lady." I was beginning to get very uncomfortable. I shifted further away from him. "So why are you in here by yourself?" He asked trying to start the conversation back up. "I'm waiting for my boyfriend," I said, looking away from the creep. "Oh. You have a boyfriend? What a shame." "Yes I have a boyfriend. He should be here any minute." "Well he's a lucky guy to have such a beautiful woman. He's lucky indeed. I don't think I caught your name, sweetie." "That's because I didn't tell you." "What is your name?" I tried to think of a way to change the subject. I didn't want him to know my name. "Do you work here?" I asked. "Yes. Yes I do. I'm Harvey the studio executive," he gloated. "Well maybe you should go back to work." "I'm the boss around here. I can take as many breaks as I want. I can just go and talk to anyone I please." "And something tells me you do that often." "You're funny, dear." "You could probably go and hurry my boyfriend up." "Who's the lucky guy?" "Niall Horan." He scoffed, "That scum ball?" I shot him an angry look, "Why do you say that?!" "That boy is nothing but a spoiled brat who doesn't deserve a thing he's got. He's talentless. He's a joke." I became furious. I stood up and began chewing the creep out. "You obviously don't know what you're taking about. Niall Horan is the most humble person I've ever met. He's amazing, talented, kind, and everything you wish you could be. He would never bash anyone like you just did to him. You're the one that's a joke, sir. And why don't you go do your job instead of flirting with a girl that is WAY younger than you. I'm clearly not interested. Even if I wasn't in a relationship, I still wouldn't entertain the thought of flirting with you. You're a weirdo." Harvey stood up and stepped closer to me. "You're sexy when you're mad," he went to touch me but I stepped back. "Don't even think a out touching me!" Just then, Zayn and Harry walked in. "What's going on?" Zayn asked. I ran over to Zayn and Harry and tried to explain, "This creep has hit on me and then he started talking crap about Niall!" Harry looked at me then at Harvey. "Harry tried to hit on you?" He asked. Harvey held his hands up in the air and walked toward us, "Now fellas, I did no such thing. I think your friend here may be mentally unstable." I stood there in total shock. I couldn't believe that this guy was going to straight up lie in front of Harry and Zayn. My jaw hit the floor, "I'm sorry, but do you have Alzheimer's or something old man?! You did hit on me! I told you I had a boyfriend!" Zayn patted my back and tried to calm me down. "She was the one hitting on me. When I found out she was dating Mr. Horan, I politely turned her away," Harvey calmly explained. I was shaking to the point where it was noticeable. "Y/N, how could you? What would Niall say?" Harry asked. What was going on?! This had to be some crazy dream! "What are you talking about, Harry?! I didn't flirt with this dude! He gives me the creeps! It doesn't even make sense! I'm not flirty and I'm already in a great relationship so why would I flirt with this guy!?" I yelled while trying to keep myself from punching all these guys in the throat. Harry and Zayn began to laugh uncontrollably while Harvey was trying to hide his smirk. This made me even more angry, "What are you laughing at?! This isn't funny!" "Can I tell her?," Harry asked, looking at Harvey. Harvey winked and nodded his head. "Harvey isn't who you think he is," Harry said placing his arm around my shoulder. "I looked at Zayn and squinted my eyes, "What's going on?" "You already know Harvey. Pretty well, actually," Zayn grinned. Harvey stood beside Zayn and chuckled, "It's me, Y/N." All of the sudden, Harvey talked with a thick Irish accent. "No way," I said in disbelief. "Yeah. It's for the video. It's me." I felt like an idiot. I could have punched Niall in the stomach. "I can't believe you guys!" I yelled. I threw Harry's arm from my shoulder and pinched his nipple. Niall walked closer to me but I backed away. "You're not going to hug me?" He asked. "I will after you take that off. You creep me out." He laughed, "Alright. I'll go get ready. Are you still going to lunch with me?" "I'll think about it." The boys laughed and walked out of the room.

Moments later, Niall walked into the room alone. Normal Niall this time. I stood up and looked at him, trying to make him think I was mad. He smiled and walked towards me, "Are you mad?" "A little," I said crossing my arms. "I didn't mean to make you mad, baby. I just wanted to see how you'd react. I'm sorry." "It's okay. It was kinda funny once I learned it was you." He walked over and wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head on his chest and smiled. "You really did creep me out though. I was about to leave and hunt you down or call security or something." "That's what I was trying to do. But I must say, you really did look sexy when you were defending me." "I couldn't just let some dude talk crap about my boyfriend. Not after you work so hard for the things you have." "Thanks for defending me, baby." "You're welcome." I gave him a kiss and hugged him tighter. "And I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable." "It's fine, babe. Really. It was funny. Now lets go get some lunch, Harvey- I mean, Niall." Niall laughed and took my hand into his. I learned that day that I always have to be on my toes when it comes to these boys. There's no telling what they have planned next.

The end


I think I may be a Harvey girl. Hahahahaha!!!!

- Beth xx

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