She's Just A Baby

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It was your daughter's first day of pre-school. You wasn't sure of you were ready for her to go to school yet. You were used to having her around all the time and just the thought of her getting older made you emotional. You and Niall were laying in the bed talking, not wanting to get up yet. You heard the pitter padder of little feet down the hallway. Your bedroom door burst open and your daughter ran to the side of the bed. "Mommy! Daddy! Get up! It's my first day of school!!" She yelled. "Cady, hush. It's too early for all that yelling," Niall told her. She thought she'd be smart so she whispered, "Mommy! Daddy! Get up! It's my first day of school!" You looked at her and laughed. "Okay Cady. Go wait in the kitchen and I'll make you some cereal." "Okay!" She ran out of the room and down to the kitchen. You rolled out of bed and changed clothes. You looked over at Niall. "I don't think I'm ready for this." Niall got up and hugged you. "Well we knew it was coming sooner or later." "But she's only 5. She's not ready for pre-school. She's a little baby." "I think she'll be fine. Just relax." You kissed him and headed for the kitchen.

Cady was waiting patiently at the kitchen table. She looked so adorable with her little legs hanging off the sides of the chair. "Mommy! I'm going to be late." She was anxious about school this morning. "Cady. You still have another hour. Calm down. The schools not going anywhere. Now what kind of cereal do you want?" "Lucky Charms!" "Make that two bowls of Lucky Charms," Niall said fixing his shirt as he walked into the kitchen. "Two bowls of Lucky Charms coming up." You walked to the cabinet to get the cereal. "Daddy, are you going to take me to school?" Cady asked Niall. "Sure am. Me and mommy are going to walk you to class." "I don't need you to. I'm a big girl." You brought bowls to the table, placing them in front of Niall and Cady. "We're only doing it today. Just to show you where to go." You said looking at your baby girl scarfing her cereal down. "Whoa! Cadence Marie! Slow down. You're going to make yourself sick." "Sorry mommy." You sat and waited for her to get finished. When she ate all her cereal, you took her hand and helped her get ready for school. Niall cleaned up and waited for you in the living room. You put a cute little lady bug dress on her, put her shoes on, pulled her brown hair in a ponytail, and helped her brush her teeth. She ran and jumped into Niall's lap. "I'm ready!" She yelled to her daddy. "I can see that! Well then, lets get you to school my little lady bug!" "Yay!!!" You got her backpack and the lunch you packed her and headed for the car. Niall was putting her in her booster seat while you got into the front seat.

You pulled in front of the pre-school and saw a lot of parents leading their children inside. You got out and helped Cady out her her seat. You put her backpack on her. "Now Cady, I'm putting your lunch in here. Be careful not to squish it." "Okay mommy." You held her hand and Niall had her other. You and Niall walked her to her classroom. It was your normal classroom. It was filled with small desks and chairs with the students' name on them. There were posters on the walls saying things like "Be kind", "You can do it", and "School is fun." Yadda yadda. You walked Cady to her desk and helped her get settled. Cady's teacher came up and greeted you and Niall. "Mr and Mrs. Horan, nice to meet you. I'm Mrs. Grant," she said shaking yours and Niall's hand. "Nice to meet you too." Niall responded. "And this must be little Cadence." Mrs. Grant said kneeling in front of Cady. "Yes mam." You and Niall taught her to be respectful and use "Yes and no mam" and "Yes and no sir." She picked up on it rather quickly. "Well it's nice to meet you. You're very polite." "Thank you." Mrs. Grant laughed and stood back up. "She goes by Cady." You told Mrs. Grant. "Okay. I'll remember that. Please excuse me. I have to go meet the other parents." "Of course."

Mrs. Grant walked away. Niall looked at you and said, "We'll I think we should be going." You looked down at Cady. "Are you sure you want to do this, Cady? If you don't, it's ok. We can go back home." "No mommy. I'm a big girl." "Okay, sweetie. Mommy and daddy will be back later to get you." "Okay." You bent down and gave her a kiss. "You have fun, princess. Make a lot of friends." Niall said giving Cady a kiss on the head. "Okay daddy!" Cady ran and started playing with a little girl in the corner of the room.

You and Niall walked out of the classroom and closed the door. Niall walked down the hallway but you stood looking at your baby girl through the window on the door. You began to cry, realizing how fast your baby was growing up. You felt Niall come up and put his arm around your waist. "Come on, y/n. She'll be okay." He led you down the hallway. "She's growing up too fast. Next thing you know, she's going to be driving and dating." "Babe. She's 5. Slow it down," Niall laughed. "She's not going to need me anymore." "You're her mother, y/n. She's always going to need you." "I hope so." You both got into the car and went home. Since Cady wasn't around and needed someone to play with, you and Niall relaxed on the couch. He was laying down and you rested your head on his chest, watching tv. "It's so quiet without her here," you said looking up at him. "You know what we could do. We could try to give Cady a little brother or sister," he winked. "Let's get Cady through pre-school first before we start reproducing again." You laughed. "Well practicing won't hurt." He said cheekily. "I swear. That's all you ever think about, Niall Horan." "Pretty much," he laughed kissing you. You spent the rest of the time you had left relaxing with Niall until you could go pick up Cady from school.

The end.

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