I'm All Yours

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I woke up to the sun streaming through our window, right into my eyes. I sighed as I pulled the blanket over my head. Niall stirred in his sleep as he pulled me tighter into his chest. I rolled over to face him. He looked so peaceful and cute. I kissed his lips and he smiled. "Good morning," he whispered in his raspy morning voice. His beautiful blue eyes met mine as I responded with, "Good morning." "What time is it?" I sat up a bit to look at the clock that was sitting on the bedside table on Niall's side. "10:48," I said before laying back down and cuddling into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead, "I'm not ready to get up." "Me neither," I mumbled, wrapping my arms around his waist. "What do you wanna do today?" He asked, resting his forehead against mine. "Mmm. I don't know." "How about we go out?" I pulled away and looked at him, "You mean like go out together?" He rolled his eyes, "No I meant go out separately. I don't wanna be seen with you. Yes, go out together."

It wasn't that I didn't want to go out with Niall, because I really want to. It was just that whenever Niall went out in public, it was a mob scene. It was hard dating Niall sometimes. We couldn't do normal couple things. As much as I wanted Niall all to myself, it didn't work out that way. I had to share him with thousands of other people.

"Remember what happened last time we went out? We got mobbed and I lost a shoe," I said, pushing Niall's hair off his forehead. "Are we just gonna stay cooped up in this flat while I'm home? I want us to be a normal couple and normal boyfriends take their normal girlfriends out and buy them dinner and take them to a movie. We're a normal couple. Lets act like it," Niall said, sitting up in the bed. I watched as he got up and walked to the closet, getting clothes out so he could take a shower. "Alright. Lets make a day of it. But lets keep a low profile, okay? I don't want you to get mobbed and get dragged away from me," I said, sitting up in the bed. "I'm all yours today. I promise," he said before kissing me and going into the bathroom.

Niall got dressed in his sweats, hoodie, and snapback while I got ready for our day together. "What are we gonna do today?" I asked, looking through our closet. "How about we go to the mall, get some food, and watch a movie?" "That sounds great. I'm just worried about-" Niall got up and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. "I know but we can't hide away all the time." I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, "I wish we could go out and not get trampled by teenage girls." "I know but I can't just turn them away. They're the reason why I'm living my dream. I'm sorry that you have to share me with everyone but today, I'm yours." I smiled and kissed his lips. "Okay. I'm going to get ready." "Alright," Niall laughed, smacking my butt as I walked into the bathroom.

I threw my hair up in a top knot bun and put on my vans. Niall waited patiently downstairs as I finished getting getting ready. I walked down the stairs to see Niall typing away on his phone. I cleared my throat and waited for Niall to look up from his phone. "You ready?" He asked without looking up. "Yep. Lets go." "Great. Lets g-", he looked at me and smiled. "You look amazing," he awed. "Niall, I just threw something on," I blushed. "Well you look beautiful." "Thanks." I kissed him and he lead me out to the car.

We arrived at the mall and everything was going okay. No one seemed to be paying us any attention, which was a good thing. We walked around and did some shopping. It was nice. We walked into a clothing store and browsed. I tried to get Niall's opinion on a dress but it didn't do any good. As we continued to look around, a girl, who looked to be around 13 years old, approached us. "Excuse me. You're Niall Horan, right?" She asked. Niall smiled and said, "Yeah. That's me." The girl freaked out and asked for a picture. I took it for her and she thanked us and walked away. Not even 5 minutes later, a group of teenage girls swarmed us. There must have been at least 7 of them around. Niall was polite and signed autographs and smiled for pictures. Eventually, the girls went off to fangirl about their unforgettable encounter. "Sorry," Niall said, rubbing my back. "It's fine. Lets just go somewhere else," I said. We walked out of the store and I noticed more and more people noticing who Niall was. People started to follow us around the mall. "Can we just leave?" I asked. Niall looked around to see people staring at us and taking pictures with their phones. "Yeah. Lets go," he took me by the hand and lead me out to the car. We decided to go get dinner a little early. "Do you think the paps will show up?" I asked looking at Niall while he drove. "I'm not sure. Hopefully not." I sighed and Niall looked over and took my hand in his. We made our way to the restaurant and got a table in the very back. "What are you going to get?" Niall asked, looking at the menu. "I'm not sure. I'll probably just ge-" "OH MY GOD YOU'RE NIALL HORAN!" Niall and I jumped as our waitress screamed her head off. "Yeah. How are you?" Niall said. "HOLY CRAP. I CANNOT BELIEVE NIALL HORAN IS HERE! Oh my god! I'm great! How are you?! Oh and hey, Y/N! How are you!? You two must be on a date! How cute! There's pictures of you two on twitter from today! I love your outfit, Y/N! Oh what can I get you to drink?" "Oh um. We'll take a water," Niall said. "Okay! I'll be right back." The waitress bounced away and I looked at Niall. "I have a feeling this isn't going to turn out good," I whispered. "Me either. Lets just eat so we can go watch a movie." "Sounds good to me." Moments later, the waitress came back with our waters and a couple other waitresses followed her. "Here's your water, Niall. Could I bother you for a picture real quick? We're huge fans," she said pointing to the girls behind her. "We'll actually I'm here with my girlfriend and we're just trying to spend some time together," he replied. "Oh please? It'll take two seconds." He looked at me and I nodded, letting him know it was okay. "Alright," he said getting up and taking a few pictures. After they got their pictures, our waitress took our orders and walked into the kitchen. "So what movie do you want to watch?" Niall asked, reaching over and holding hand. "It doesn't matter to me. It's whatever you want." "Honestly, I could just watch you all day." "You're so cheesy," I laughed. "Hey! It's true though!" Just when I thought we could have a nice dinner together, more fans approached our table. Niall signed some autographs and took some pictures. I looked out the window and noticed some paps beginning to arrive. "We might need to get our food to go before more people show up," I said, pointing to the window. "I'll go pay and get them to put it in to-go boxes," Niall said getting up and going to the front. I left the tip and joined Niall up front. He got our food, grabbed my hand, and lead me out of the door. "Niall! Over here! You and Y/N still together?! How long you home for?! What about the rumors about Y/N and Harry?! You have anything to say?!" This one pap really was crossing the line. Niall tried his best to ignore him. "Do you trust Y/N while you're away?! She was rumored to be snuggling with Harry at a party!" The pap continued. "Are you serious? She didn't go to that party. Get your facts straight and get out of the way," Niall said, trying to push people out of the way. We finally made it to the car and Niall helped me inside. He walked around and got into the drivers seat and started the car. "Can we just go home?" I asked. "You don't wanna see a movie?" He asked looking at me. "I'm just ready to go home." "Okay. Whatever you want." He slowly drove out of the parking lot and made our way home.

We walked into the house and I out our take out on the kitchen table. "That wasn't exactly the 'date night' I had in mind," I mumbled, taking plates out of the cabinets. "I know and I'm sorry," Niall said, hugging me from behind. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. "It's not your fault. It comes with the job and I just have to get used to it. I just wish I didn't have to share you with the whole world." "I know. But whenever I'm home and in this house, I am all yours." "What if we went ahead and finished our dinner, rented a movie, and finished our date night the right way." Niall smiled, "I love you so much." "I love you too." Niall kissed me before helping me get our food set up. After we ate, we snuggled up in the couch and rented a movie. Our date night didn't end bad after all.

The end

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