Chapter 23: Puppy

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The next day, with a puppy in her arms, Feng Luodi set off for Moonglade alone, strolling along the streets leisurely. She had instructed Scarlet to rest at home, seeing as how she could not be in the vicinity of furry pets due to her weak lungs, for fear of an allergic reaction. Jet was supposed to accompany her, but had been assigned other duties by the First Lady right before they left. As Feng Luodi walked, her thoughts wandered to the time she was taken by the 7th Prince, and remembered how Situ Muye had reminded her to not walk about alone.

"Haven't seen him in such a long time. It seems like it's a troublesome thing to thank someone in person in this era; it's possible that we may never even meet again." She sighed, thinking back to Jiang Moyin, who'd helped her before as well. I definitely won't forget all these people who had helped me, even after I return to the 21st Century.

Just as she passed by Manchun Tang, where she had first met Qi Jianqiu, a peanut fell right in front of her, interrupting her reverie. Looking up, she saw two figures smiling at her from a window on the third floor. One was Qi Jianqiu, in the prim and proper dressings of a lady this time, a huge smile lighting up her face. The other was, coincidentally, the person she was thinking about, Jiang Moyin. He was dressed in white, complimenting his image of a gentle and kind young master.

Why are those two together? Feng Luodi was a little puzzled. Last I remembered, Qi Jianqiu told me that she didn't know any of the Four Masters personally. Her gaze wandered to the two carriages parked in front, both adorned by the emblems of their households. Where could they have gone that required them to be in a carriage bearing the house emblem? Oh! It must be...

Her eyes fell on the cluster of castles and towers that were in the distance. It was the most magnificent, but also the most heartless place in the city.

A peanut sliced the air in front of her again, and she looked up to see Qi Jianqiu waving at her vigorously, beckoning her to join them. Feng Luodi smiled at the sight, and made her way into the restaurant. She was met inside by Qi Jianqiu's handmaiden, who quickly led the way to the dining room on the third floor.

Feng Luodi, coincidentally, was wearing a white robe today as well. Embroidery of green ivy decorated the robe, complementing the collar of emerald green flecked with gold. She wore an inner shirt of dark green, and her robe was held together by a silken sash of ash grey. A simple jade hairpin held her hair together, matching the jade earrings on her ear of light beige. In her arms she held the white furry puppy, lending her an air of congeniality.

Opening the door, Feng Luodi was greeted with a smile from the two within the room.

Having just spent some time with Jiang Moyin, Qi Jianqiu noticed that the man seemed a little detached, despite being as polite as per his reputation. He had kept the same expression throughout their meeting: a light smile on his lips, warm enough to seem friendly and approachable. However, when Feng Luodi entered the room, she detected a change in his expression. His eyes lit up, and the smile on his face broadened, making him look all the more welcoming. Qi Jianqiu blinked her eyes, unsure of what she had just witnessed.

"Luodi! Come over here quickly!" Qi Jianqiu snapped out of her daze and waved happily to Feng Luodi. Feng Luodi smiled, but to her disappointment, quickly went over to Jiang Moyin instead.

"Good morning, Master Jiang. I have yet to thank you properly for your help that day, in Moonglade." She curtsied.

"You already did, on the day itself." His smile seemed to reach his eyes. "It is but a small act on my part."

Now Feng Luodi took a seat between the two, with Qi Jianqiu on her left and Jiang Moyin on her right. Feeling a burning gaze from her left, she turned to see Qi Jianqiu pouting at her, her brows furrowed. "Luodi, how can you be so biased towards him? You barely glanced at me since you entered the room! Hmph! Am I not beautiful enough to warrant your attention?"

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