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               "You're no fun," mumbled ⨊ throwing him aside and focusing on the group of kids behind Jason and the others. "Why are they still alive?" asked ⨊. "They have vowed never to..." "That does not answer my question," said ⨊ in a cold voice. ⧚You wanted Adrian to live a normal life and they are his friends. So you let them live under the condition that they remain quiet.⧚ said ℥enji. "I'll take care of them," said ௹enji. ⨊ just wanted to see how Adrian would react to his friends being killed, but he never objected or reacted. "Wipeout their memory of this event," said ⨊.

⨊ turned to the group of men and beast she was interacting with before the others landed up. As she turned, Adrian pulled her to him turning her around. ⧚Silly little boy.⧚ whispered ⨊ before turning Adrian around. And standing in her original position. Adrian froze when he heard her words. ⨊ shoved Adrian aside and put ∰ on the others. Restraining the others before they even knew what was going on. ⨊ got stabbed with an item that seemed simple, but only she knew what it really was. Adrian wanted to move but couldn't cause ⨊ held him in place. "Got you. Did you think you could kill me? Now you're dead," rambled one of the men. "Wait...You're...You're..." said the man when he saw Adrian's atmosphere changing. And becoming violent and vicious, revealing his true form.

Only those with a certain perception could see him. ⨊ stopped Adrian from revealing his true form and killed the man before he could say anything more. ⨊ glanced at ௹enji. "I didn't see anything," said ௹enji bowing his head. "Kill them all. Not a single one must escape or I'll punish you," said ⨊ in a cold voice. "I'll personally take care of the matter," said ௹enji leaving with the others. After he had killed the men and beasts that had surrounded ⨊.

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