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After a few days, ⨊ returned to the forest. Subconsciously looking around for that thing. As she turned around, she found it standing behind her watching her quietly. "There you are...Not that...I'm looking for you... I thought you would have forgotten about me... by now...again I'm blabbering when you don't even know what I'm saying,"

⨊ saw its atmosphere change as it watched her, it seemed sad. "Your different from before," said ⨊ watching it closely. It started backing away. "Don't go...I won't do anything...stay," said ⨊ in a small voice. As she watched it move away from her to a point where she couldn't even see it anymore. "Guess it doesn't want to interact with me anymore," she mumbled to herself. Not aware that it was still watching her from a distance.

⨊ went to the forest the next few days, but never saw that thing again. She could if she used her abilities. But she was too exhausted after the work she just did. And since that thing didn't want to interact with her, she wasn't going to chase after it. ⨊ hadn't realized that she became tranquil when she was around that thing and was now sad because it wasn't by her side. She still roamed aimlessly in the forest subconsciously looking around for the thing.

"So this is where you were hiding," said a man approaching her along with a group of men and creatures. "Who said I was hiding? You shouldn't have come here," said ⨊ with her atmosphere getting dark and violent. "Do you think we are scared of you? You think we don't know that your on your own and injured. Do you think you can take us on by yourself? We also know that you are exhausted and haven't had any rest," said another man with a greedy smile.

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