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               Ian sat stunned for a few minutes as he watched ⨊ walk away before getting up and walking up to her. "Can I talk to you? I want to explain myself," "Why? It has nothing to do with me," said ⨊ looking at Ian with a blank expression. "I know I don't need to explain, but I want to. I mean..." "Ian I was wondering if you wanted to join us, we are going to explore around after the meal. Bob said everyone could," said Emma interrupting Ian before he could say anything as she walked towards him.

"I am busy, I already have plans," "It's ok, we can go with you where you plan to go or we can go together when you're free," said Emma seeing Ian's face change when he heard the first words. "I am going to go with Jessica. We made plans together," said Ian looking at ⨊. (Don't drag me into your mess and don't use me as an excuse.) ⨊ was just about to deny Ian's words when Emma spoke. "Jessica, you don't mind if we come with you, right?" said Emma. "Of course, Jessica won't mind. We are her friends," chimed in Gabby with a hypocritical smile. "Even if Jessica doesn't mind, we had already made plans and it wouldn't be right to change them," said Ian getting more annoyed by the minute.

"Like Ian said we made plans. And you really shouldn't get in our way. Wouldn't you agree Gabby? And I am not your friend. Do I make myself clear? And didn't I tell you to get lost the last time we spoke? That means, don't approach me or talk to me. Don't tell me you don't remember Emma? It was when you told me to stay away from Ian since you said he was your boyfriend," said ⨊ with her atmosphere getting dark by the end. Emma left without saying anything, along with her friends.

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