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              "Adrian what..." "He must be talking about Eumi. She is asleep right now," said ℥enji interrupting Mrs Zoℑ's words. When he saw how disappointed Adrian was in not being able to see or meet ⨊. "Eumi," said Adrian repeating the name in a daze. ℥enji went back to talking about random topics as did the others.

"Ow" came the voice of a little girl with a bang from upstairs. ℥enji was up the stairs before Mr Zoℑ could ask anything or complete his sentence. "Are you ok? Did you get hurt?" asked ℥enji walking into the room. "I'm fine just tired. Who?" "Our neighbors Mr Zoℑ and his family. Do you want to come downstairs or keep sleeping?" asked ℥enji. "Mrs Zoℑ brought some baked sweet. So did Janet when she went out, but you were asleep," he added before ⨊ could think or reply. "Sweets?" "Yes. Want to come down?" asked ℥enji. "I'll carry you," he added.

Everyone downstairs heard the entire conversation between them. They saw ℥enji carrying a small girl in his arms coming down the stairs. Adrian froze when he saw her cause that was the girl he had seen around here before. "Hi I'm Nina nice..." said Nina trailing off when ℥enji sat down with ⨊, as ⨊ was looking around and wasn't listening to anything she said.

"I'll get the sweets," said Janet getting up. "I'll help, Rick come and help carry the things," said Leah. "I'll come, he might do something stupid," added Jason. "Tired? You can sleep after you have finished eating," said ℥enji stroking her head. "How long?" "A day," said ℥enji knowing what ⨊ was asking about. "What?" asked ⨊ looking at Adrian who had been staring at her ever since she came downstairs. "Nothing, just that you look familiar.I mean I feel like I've seen you around Dracmoor before," said Adrian adding the last part in a haste. Cause he was afraid if he said from his dreams, she would get angry, though he didn't know why.

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