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           "Gabby don't be mean. I know you have your differences with Jessica, but that was going too far. And Gabby 2 don't worry we all can see how much you like Jason. I think you make a good pair. We all do," said Emma trying to smooth things over with everyone. Sneaking a glance at Ian only to see him watching ⨊'s hand while playing with them.

"I see how it is. You like Ian, but he isn't interested in you and likes Jessica, that's why you're trying to make her look bad. And you're using Gabby 2's interest in Jason to get close to Ian," said Janet. "I'm not interested in Gabby 2 or anyone else. So get that thought of me out of your shallow mind," added Jason. "It really isn't like that, like Emma said its just a misunderstanding," said Gabby 2 trying to explain herself. "We should go," said Emma tugging Gabby 2's arm. "Seems like we got off on the wrong path and everyone is tense because of the extension in the hike. We will talk to you later  when everyone's mood is better," said Emma talking to the pair of siblings.

"Calm down," said ⨊ patting Ian's hand. The atmosphere had been getting darker ever since Gabby 2 and her group came towards us. He just buried his head trying to calm himself. "Ian, the other guys in the group, are going hunting without Dan since he is not feeling very well and I was hoping that you and Jason could help out as well," said Bob when he approached our little group. "No," said Ian lifting his head. "You should go," said ⨊. "I don't want to leave you alone," "Don't worry Janet will keep me company, right?" said ⨊ looking at Janet. "Yes, I will be happy to. Don't worry I won't leave her side," said Janet looking at Ian as she said the last part. "Jason will be with you," she added. "Wait for me. I'll come back soon," said Ian kissing ⨊ on her forehead.

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