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           "That girl is called Celest. She is in the same academy as us. Nina's last boyfriend ended up going out with her," said Adrian when ⨊ glanced at him with a puzzled expression. "She is notorious in our academy for going after guys who belong to someone else. And then leaving them once they become hers," said Nina. "Unless they are rich. Then she holds onto them longer," said Haley.

"You're not allowed to go out with that kind of person," said ⨊ frowning at Adrian. "I would never go out with anyone. I have you," said Adrian becoming happy with ⨊'s behavior towards him. "What do you mean you have me? I just meant that she was a bad person who would use you. You can go with anyone, it has nothing to do with me. I just meant that you would get hurt if you go out with her," said ⨊ long-winded. "Don't worry. I would never be with anyone other than you," said Adrian with a gentle expression. "You know the sweets here are good. You would like them," he added trying to distract her.

⧚℥enji?⧚ called out Janet. Testing to see if it was ok to talk to him, as they walked around with the others. ⧚What?⧚ ⧚Looks like, he really is Ian. He isn't just a residue. And he appears to remember her.⧚ said Janet watching them. ⧚But it seems like he doesn't remember everything.⧚ said Leah. ⧚Did you forget? She was the one who erased his memories.⧚ said Jason. ⧚But why didn't it work? Not that I'm not happy that he knows and remembers.⧚ asked Rick. ⧚Did you forget about the globe she gave him in the beginning? It was to protect him.⧚ said ℥enji. ⧚Even protect him from her. If he didn't, mean her any harm and kept her safe. He must have wholeheartedly wanted to remember her and protect her.⧚ said ℥enji. ⧚It seems his behavior towards her is the same. Like he really misses her. But doesn't know why.⧚ said Janet.

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