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               "They were weird," said Vincent once they were back at their own house. "What about that guy ℥enji, did you see how different he was around that girl compared to us or the others," said Nina. "What's with that brat anyway. Not allowed to touch her as if she is something special. And the way they ran around after her," she added. "Are you really jealous of a kid? What did you think about them?" asked Vincent. "Where did Adrian go?" he added. "Went to his room as soon as we got back," said the mother. "And that kid seemed to be unwell," she added.

"Don't go making them angry in any form. Behave yourselves and always be  polite towards them," said the father. "We are always..." "I mean it. They are not like ordinary people. Didn't you see the scars on them and the way they behaved," said the father interrupting Nina. "You may not know this, but the person who lived there before was in the ❡ℑℑ and in a high position. To be able to rent it from him would mean that they either knew him or have some pull with the higher-ups of the ❡ℑℑ," he added. "Isn't that just a rumor?" asked Vincent. "I saw him once late at night interacting with one of the higher-ups  from the ❡ℑℑ. And the reason I knew they were higher up ❡ℑℑ, was because of the color of their atmosphere," added the father before Vincent could question him as to how he knew that.

"Why haven't you told us this before?" asked Nina. "Cause he kept to himself and never interacted with anyone, therefore, there was no reason to warn you two," said the father. "They don't look like people in the ❡ℑℑ, more like rogue members," said Vincent. "What if they are escapees and are hiding here?" he added. "Don't talk nonsense. But either way, they are people not to be messed with," said the father. "Aren't you going to tell Adrian?" asked Vincent. "He is not like you two. He won't cause any trouble," said the father.

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