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                  ⧚I understand, I will wait and hide the fact that I remember you for now.⧚ said Adrian. ⨊ sank against him. "Adrian? What's wrong? Did someone say something to you?" asked ⨊ after a few seconds of returning to her normal self. "I'm fine, I just missed you, my little love," said Adrian with a gentle smile. "Wait, who are you calling your little love?" said ⨊ frowning. "You cause you are my little love," said Adrian. "Stop calling me that," "No," "You will lose out on a girlfriend if she hears you saying that," said ⨊. "How can I lose a girlfriend, when you are my girlfriend," said Adrian with a big smile.

"Who said I was your girlfriend. Stop deciding things on your own," said ⨊ getting miffed. "You did not reject me when I called you my little love before, so that's what I'm calling you from now on," said Adrian. "And you are my girlfriend," he added as a matter of fact. "Didn't I tell you not to run away from me while you're here?" said Adrian holding her tighter. "So please don't run away from me no matter what," he whispered in a hurt voice. ⨊ didn't like seeing Adrian in pain. Even though he didn't recognize her or remember her or would ever be with her, ⨊ still cared about him. Even though she had erased her feeling for him.

"℥enji, did he bang his head?" asked ⨊. "He just missed you," said ℥enji when Adrian had told him what had just happened between him and ⨊. "Why?" "He is silly like the way Rick is sometimes," said ℥enji looking at Adrian. ⨊ looked at him for a few seconds before looking around. "Who?" asked ⨊. "No one, ignore them," said ℥enji. "My little love I missed you so much," said Adrian embracing ⨊ tightly. "Are you hungry?" he added. ⨊ just nodded yes in reply. "Let's go over there and sit," said ℥enji getting up with the others including Adrian who carried ⨊.

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