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          The guys came back to the group depressed. "What happened?" asked Bob. No one answered straight away. "I'm back," said Ian as he came to ⨊ and hugged her. "Hi, we are back," said Jason to ⨊ and Janet. "What happened?" asked Janet. "Nothing much. Alex is dead," he said exchanging glances with Janet. Since they came, they saw how Alex kept eyeing ⨊. ⧚How did that happened?⧚ asked Janet telepathically. ⧚Alex was being verbally disrespectful. He was there.⧚ answered Jason.

"Glad, he's dead," said Ian. "Forget about him, he is already dead," said ⨊ patting his hand. After asking a couple of times Wes finally told the group about Alex's death. "We can't just leave him here," said Emma. "You guys want to take him back with you, you can. But we will be parting ways," said Janet. "We can't split up. It's dangerous to be in a small group out here," said Gabby 2 worried that Jason would leave. "But we can't just leave Alex's body here. He was our friend," said Emma in a tearful voice. "Like I said before if you cart his carcass it will attract beasts. Isn't that right Bob?" said Jason putting everything on Bob. Knowing he didn't want any trouble at this stage of his plans. "That's right, I don't want to put any of you in danger. It's sad about what happened to Alex, but I won't endanger your lives," "I don't want to get attacked for someone I didn't even know," said one of the girls. "Right. And we will be the ones who would have to do all the work.It's sad about what happened to Alex, but I came here for a trip not to work as a laborer," grumbled one of the guys.

"We should move our campsite. I don't think anyone would want to camp over here now," said Bob getting everyone together. "Ian could you help me out for a minute?" "Even if he asks me, the answer will be the same," whispered Ian to ⨊ before he went to see what Bob wanted. After sometime everyone gathered their things and started on the trail again for another campsite.

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