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             A man in his fifties came into the house. The people from the ❡ℑℑ all saluted him in respect. "Why did you call me over? Don't you know how busy I am? I have no time for such trivial matters," he said in a booming voice. "I called you," said ℥enji, still sitting down with the others and Adrian. While Mr Zoℑ, his wife and their kids, as well as Mr Arthur, his wife and kid, bowed down to Derik in fear and respect. "You?" said Derik getting annoyed with ℥enji and the others lack of respect or fear of him. "Who do you..." "Are you sure you want to complete that sentence?" asked Jason releasing his atmosphere along with the others. Derik looked at them for a second before trembling in fear realizing who they were and who ℥enji was, by the way the others behaved towards him.

"I'm sorry, please forgive my rudeness for not recognizing you. Please forgive my rude behavior towards you," said Derik procrastinating in front of ℥enji. Mr Zoℑ and his wife, along with Mr Arthur and his wife and son were baffled over the commander's behavior. The ❡ℑℑ group that had first come were trembling with fear once they realized who these people were and knelt down in respect, lowering their heads in fear.

"The only reason I called you over for this trivial matter is cause I have taken Adrian, their son as one of the many acquaintances in this area. And they think that I'm kidnapping him. I just want this cleared before..." said ℥enji trailing off eyeing Derik. "How dare you accuse him of kidnapping. Do you have any idea in whose presence you're in? You dare to behave in such a manner. Take them all in," commanded Derik. "Wait, those are his parents and siblings. However..." said ℥enji trailing off and looking at Adrian. "Punish them as you see fit," said Adrian.

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