Cady Gets A Boyfriend Part 2

Start from the beginning

"In all honesty, sir, Cady is an amazing person. All I want is to get to know her better."

"I know she's an amazing person. That's exactly how her mother and I intended on raising her. Now, you don't have a daughter as far as I know but when you do, you'll understand my point of view. Cady is my first born. She's my only girl. She's kind hearted and she has a huge heart. She is blind to the bad in people so it's up to me and her mother to help her see that not all people have her best interests at heart. You see, her mother is her best friend. She tells the woman everything. Now I, on the other hand, am different. She's careful about what she tells me. When it comes to my daughter, I'm a bit protective. I need to make sure that the boys she likes are actually okay boys. I can tell. I used to be a 16 year old boy. I know what goes through that mind. I just need you to understand that I'm aware of that."

"I understand. Mr. Horan, I respect your daughter and I would never even think about hurting her in anyway. I can see how much she loves and respects you and Mrs. Horan so I will do whatever it takes to earn your trust," Anthony promised without breaking eye contact.

I smirked and nodded my head, extending my hand out. Anthony looked relieved as he leaned over and shook my hand. "You're not as bad as I thought you'd be," I laughed.

"Well I wish I could say you're not as intimating as you look but you are," he smiled.

"Well if you ever hurt my daughter, I'll get a lot more intimidating. Now I can't hit you but Conner here can," I laughed, putting my arm around Con.

"I'm not afraid to go to jail," Connor threatened, trying to look intimidating. He flexed his little arms and stared at Anthony with the blankest expression I've ever seen. I couldn't help but laugh at my lanky son trying to be scary.

"I'll keep that in mind," Anthony chuckled.

We talked about football a little before Cady and Y/N finally joined us. As soon as Anthony saw Cady, he lit up and stood from the arm chair. "You look beautiful," he awed with a look on his face that I was familiar with. I looked at Cady and she did, in fact, look beautiful. Her long brown hair fell down her back and her smile lit up the whole room. She looked just like her mother did when she was her age.

"Thank you," Cady blushed, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"I don't mean to rush but we should probably get going if we want to get the movie on time," Anthony stuttered.

"Oh okay. Let me get my purse," Cady smiled, running back to her room.

I walked over to Y/N and whispered, "I'll be right back." I followed Cady down the hall to her room and closed the door.

"Hey dad, I gotta go," Cady rushed, putting her bag around her shoulder.

"He can wait a little bit longer. This won't take long," I said, sitting on the edge of her bed. I patted the spot next to me and Cady walked over to sit next to me. "I just want to let you know something before you leave, alright?"


"I talked to Anthony a bit and he seems like an okay guy. I just want you to know that I love you, Cadence. I know that at times I can be a little irrational but just know that I do that because I love you so much. If something ever happened to you, I don't know what I would do with myself. Just be careful tonight and if that boy tries anything-"

"I love you too, daddy," Cady smiled, wrapping her arms around my neck. I hugged her tightly before she pulled away and kissed my cheek.

"I really need to go now," she said, standing from the bed.

I nodded and followed her out to the living room. Anthony stood by the front door and helped Cady put her jacket on.

"Now you two be careful," Y/N said, walking them out to the front porch.

I walked up behind Y/N and wrapped my arms around her waist. She smiled and held my hands in hers.

"Remember curfew is midnight," I reminded them.

"Yes sir," Anthony nodded before opening Cady's door for her. "I love you," Cady called.

"We love you," I replied, kissing Y/N on the cheek.

Cady got into the car and Anthony quickly ran around to the drivers seat. We waved as they pulled out of the driveway and made their way to town.

"So how'd your little talk go? You didn't threaten him while I was gone, did you?" Y/N giggled, leaning her head back to rest it on my shoulder.

"No I didn't. He's an okay kid. I approve," I smiled.

Y/N turned around in my arms to face me. "I think Cady has a good taste in men. Just like her mamma."

"You know, this whole thing reminds me of when I first met your parents," I smirked, holding Y/N tighter.

"I remember that night. You were more nervous than Anthony."

"Yeah well your dad threatened to break my arms if I touched you below the neck," I recalled, making Y/N burst out laughing.

"He was just watching out for his little girl," she smiled.

"I know that now. I didn't expect this to happen to me."

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't expect to meet an amazing, beautiful girl and have her actually fall in love with me. I didn't think I would be able to get married with this life I live but you made it possible."

"Babe," she awed.

"You did. And now look at me. I'm living in a nice house, raising two amazing kids with the love of my life. We have it made. I couldn't ask for a better wife or kids."

"I love you so much," she smiled, a few tears evident in her eyes.

"I love you too, babe," I leaned closer and kissed her passionately.

"Mom! Dad! Come look! I can almost lick my elbow!!!" Connor yelled, running towards us with his tongue hanging out.

Y/N and I both pulled away and looked down at our son who was licking all over the side of his arm, not even close to his elbow. I smiled and bent down to pick him up. "That's great, buddy! You have to show me how to do that!" I cheered, bouncing him up and down.

"I don't know, dad. It's pretty hard to master," Connor replied.

"How about we go in and bake some brownies?" Y/N suggested, wiping the slobber from Connor's mouth with her sleeve.

"Yeah!!!!" Connor yelled, kicking his legs. I put him down and ran into the house. I reached for Y/N's hand and lead her towards the front door. The sounds of pots and pans being pulled from the cabinets filled the house, making me smile. Y/N kissed my cheek before going into the kitchen to help Connor. I leaned against the door frame with a smile on my face, feeling blessed with the life I had.

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