Bruce Wayne x Reader

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Dedicated to Larka_HD

Inside Info: Reader is an assassin. Bruce doesn't know she's an assassin, but she does disappear quite often. Bruce gets kidnapped by Joker, and the reader has to find and save Bruce. This is also important, but the reader and Bruce are boyfriend and girlfriend.

Up next: Questionnaire Part 2

Later: Superman x Reader


  "Al, have you seen Y/N?"

  Alfred shook his head and said,"No, Master Bruce. I'm afraid I haven't seen her since this morning."

  With that, I decided to call Y/N. Was everything okay? I had to know.

   Y/N'S POV

  "C'mon. C'mon. Rā's, this is unfair!! I already took down the whole room. Don't send me more men...or women!!"

  Yes, I was an assassin, who worked for THE Rā's Al Ghūl, but the hardest part was keeping all this from my boyfriend, Bruce. I didn't tell him, because I was afraid he would shun me. That could then possibly lead to Bruce breaking up with me.
  I don't think we were exactly on different sides, but I knew what he was about. We didn't always share the same morals either, which would cause problems. However, we would eventually get along and enjoy just having each other.

  Speaking of Bruce, I wasn't surprised when he called me. I had failed to tell him I was "out," which the call reminded me of.
  I knew he was worried, so I immediately motioned for Rā's to end the training session. He agreed, and the assassins stopped around me.

  I replied,"Yes, Bruce?"

  Bruce chuckled but asked me,"Are you okay? Where are you? Why didn't you call or leave a message for me? Why are you breathing so hard?"

  I caught my breath and answered,"Batman, I'm fine. Amazing, even. I just went for a jog. No biggie. I'm sorry I didn't leave a message. I thought I did."

  Alfred said,"Ms. L/N, you know to leave a message, no matter if it is small or big. You should have double checked or at least let me know. I am rather hurt by this."

  I smiled and apologized to Alfred, but then I heard something going on in the background. When I heard Alfred yelling something to Bruce and then a loud noise in the background, I knew something had happened. When I called out to Bruce and Alfred, neither one of them replied.
  I immediately hung up the phone, alerting Rā's that I was leaving. With that out of the way, I made my way to Wayne Manor. When I tried to enter Wayne Manor, I was thrown back onto the ground.

  My hearing became a little fuzzy, and I looked back towards the front door. However, it was no longer there. Someone walked out, and it was one of Joker's thugs.
  I grabbed my sword and began to fight the thug, while he put up quite a fight. Me, I could do even better. He hit me across the face with his gun, but I grabbed it and hit him with it. He groaned in pain, and I flipped him over, knocking him into one of the stairs.

  I immediately rushed inside, noticing two men on the staircase. I immediately climbed up the staircase and kicked both of them down the stairs.
  They both tumbled down the stairs, but they couldn't get back up. I mean, there were a lot of stairs. Anyway, I noticed the Batcave entrance was broken, and it was covered in spray paint.

  I immediately went to take that way in, but what if it was a trap? What if Joker wanted me to go this way? I knew Joker was here, given the message left for me on the grandfather clock.
  I headed in a separate direction and found another way into the Batcave. I spotted Alfred and Bruce tied down to chairs, but Bruce looked terrible. Alfred looked fine, but I was sure Bruce had taken a beating for Alfred. Yet, I was still surprised Alfred hadn't been touched.

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