Zoom x Reader Part 2

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Up next: Damian Wayne x Becky Kane

Later: Superman x Reader

Inside Info: Remember Hunter is being referred to as "Jay" in these two imagines because the team doesn't know about his backstory and all that stuff yet. They just know what he told them and that it didn't add up.

   Y/N'S POV

  I woke up to being in bed alone. I turned around on my side and tried to remember what happened yesterday. Right, Barry told me about Jay, Jay brought me here, and then we sort of made up, I guess.
  I had no clue, but I was just glad he did not kill me. I knew that everyone was probably worried sick about me right now, especially Dad, Iris, and Wally. Dad most likely made up an excuse as to why I was missing.

  I would sit up, but I was way too tired to get up and do something. I could not go anywhere anyway. Jay took my chains off already, but I knew he would get upset about hearing that I was trying to escape.
  I turned around to see Zoom just returning.

  I went to sit up, but he bent down in front of me and I slowly lifted his mask saying,"Jay, I cannot stay. I love you, I do, but I do not belong here. I miss my family."

  Jay brought his hand up to my face and looked me in the eyes saying,"I know you do, baby, but you can stay with me. I will keep you company and be here for you. You know I love you."

  Jay put his forehead on mine and kissed me slowly, before he pulled away and wiped my tears saying,"I will make you a deal: If you promise to not try to leave, then I will let you see your family. Deal? Then, you come back with me."

  It was better than nothing, so I smiled and nodded. Jay nodded back, before he noticed I was still in bed. He chuckled and kissed my forehead, while I winced in pain.

  Jay immediately pulled away and frowned saying,"What is wrong? Do you need something?"

  I shook my head and bit my lip, while Jay ran his fingers through my hair and waited for me to say something. He got in beside me and pulled me close, before I intertwined my fingers with his and looked at our hands.

  "Jay, why do you need Barry's speed?"

  Jay helped me up, before he turned me around and said,"So, I can get faster and finally see who is the Fastest Man Alive. Barry has not realized it yet, but he will get faster and I can finally trick him into embracing that part of himself that the Flash himself would not even think to be possible. Y/N, whether you realize it now or not, I do love you and want you to join me. I know it is hard because of your family, but the choice is up to you."

  Jay sat down beside me and made me look at him saying,"Do not make me do anything we will both regret, baby, because I would never forgive myself if you got hurt. I love you more than anything."
  Before Jay kissed me, I stopped his lips with my hand and looked into his eyes saying,"What is your real name, then? Why go by Jay Garrick?"

  Jay stroked my cheek and said,"My real name is Hunter Zolomon. I grew up in a pretty rough household and my mom was killed, just like Barry's mother. You see, N/N, Barry and I are not that different from each other. The only difference is when Barry stops to think twice on saving someone, I will already be waiting at the finish line. That is why I am always going to beat him. That is why you are mine, because I need someone like you to keep me from going over the edge."

  I nodded and said his name a few times in my head, so I would get used to it.

  Hunter pulled me close, and I looked down saying,"Hunter, I love you, too, but I do not want Barry getting hurt again. He already lost so much, and he cannot lose much more. Please do not mess with my family; especially the ones that love me for who I am."

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