Steve Trevor x Reader

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Dedicated to DreamyKawaii.

Prompt: Reader is the sister of the one and only, Diana Prince a.k.a. Wonder Woman.

Up next: Lex Luthor x Reader

Later: Damian Wayne x Telepathic Reader

SIDENOTE: Do let me know if you guys want more Steve Trevor x Readers!! Do let me know if I am updating too fast, too.


  "So, why exactly is your sister coming along, too?"

  I looked at Diana and waited for her answer, while her sister, Y/N, continued to send me a death glare. I was wondering how long she could keep that up, because it had been only 3 hours now.

  Diana looked at her sister and laughed saying,"Because she is my pride and joy, Steve Trevor. Y/N has always had my back, so I know she would not stop now.  Y/N also wants to finally get the chance to see man's world."

   Y/N'S POV

  Steve nodded and cleared his throat saying,"Well...You will like it, Y/N. It may have its ups and downs, but you may find a few differences."

  I raised an eyebrow and asked,"What kind of differences, Trevor?"

  Steve stumbled at first, as if he had to watch what he said to me.

  Diana laughed and kissed my cheek saying,"Leave Steve Trevor alone, Y/N. He means well. He is just trying to process all of this, just as we are doing. Stand down, okay?"

  I nodded and laid down on the edge of the boat, while Diana and Steve talked. I just looked up at the stars and missed Themyscira already.

  I was brought out of my stargazing by Diana asking me,"Y/N, are you all right? Do you want to sleep with Steve and I?"

  I looked between Diana and Steve, before Diana chuckled saying,"C'mon, Y/N. I promise not to mess with you or pour water on you."

  I did not feel like arguing with Diana, so I carefully walked over to Steve and Diana's side of the boat. I stood there awkwardly not knowing where to lay down at, before Steve scooted over. It looked like his head was right on the edge of the boat.
  I may have acted like I did not care about Steve's well-being, but I did. I was only defensive towards him, because he was the first man I had ever really met.

  I sighed and said,"Steve, go back to where you were. That does not look comfortable. I can stay over there. It is fine."

  Steve looked at Diana and asked her,"Did your sister just show me an act of kindness? I...I was probably just hearing things. Y/N, did you just say what I think you just said?"

  I blushed but nodded saying,"I did, Trevor, I did. Just stay where you are. Diana, stop looking at me like that."

  Diana smiled and scooted over some, before she pulled me down in between her and Steve.

  I joked saying,"So, you were the one taking all the space?"

  Diana ignored me and rested her head against her blanket. I decided to lie down, too, and noticed Steve looking at me.

  I just looked back at him and said,"What?"

  Steve shook his head, and I shivered a little bit. I was determined to not show it to Steve or Diana.
  Unfortunately, Steve noticed and started to take off his jacket.

  I stopped him and sighed saying,"Steve, please don't. I will be just fine. It is just a little chilly."

  Steve ignored me this time and wrapped his jacket around me.

  I smiled at Steve and thanked him, before he smiled back and nodded saying,"You're welcome, Y/N. You're welcome."

  I wrapped Steve's jacket tighter around me, and I could smell his scent, thanks to his jacket. The scent brought a smile to my face. What was embarassing was that Steve saw me.
  I immediately closed my eyes and refused to open them. I heard Diana laughing behind me and hit her, before I kept my eyes closed. The least I could do was try to get some sleep.


  I groaned at feeling Diana's foot on my back. I pushed her foot away and realized I was in Steve's arms.
  My head was on his chest, while my arms were wrapped around his waist. I knew I should have removed my arms from around Steve's waist, but I believe I was starting to fall for him. Not hard, but there was something there. I was not going to deny that.

  I did look around and noticed that it was morning or mid-afternoon. Steve moved a little and noticed my arms around his waist. I immediately blushed and removed my arms from around him.
  Steve smiled and sat up, before I remembered I still had his jacket.

  I moved to give Steve back his jacket, but he stopped me saying,"You keep it. I owe you."

  I asked Steve, highly confused,"Owe me for what?"

  Steve looked around and back at me saying,"You are a smart woman, just like Diana over there, so what do you think I am referring to?"

  I thought about it and smiled to myself, before I looked back at Steve.

  I smiled warmly at Steve and softly said,"I am glad I met you, too, Steve Trevor."


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