Damian Wayne x Reader

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Hey, readers!! I hope everyone is loving the updates so far. Also, let's not forget those who died serving our country, because they'll never be forgotten!!

Up next: Tim Drake x Reader

Later: Transformers Crossover Special

    Y/N'S POV

  Right now, I found comfort in Damian's arms. After training with the League of Assassins all day, it only took him a couple of minutes to fall asleep.
  For my own sake, I did not bother to wake him up. For the last few days, something was on Damian's mind, but Damian was not the best with his emotions.

  You see, he was afraid if he showed them too much, then he would be labeled as "weak." I tried to convince Damian that that was not always a bad thing, but Damian became stubborn when he wanted to be.
  No matter what, I refused to give up on Damian. He had too potential to get better, to grow.

  I turned around in Damian's arms, only for him to still be asleep. I was actually surprised; given that Damian was a light sleeper.
  Most of the time, it just depended on his day. Titus fell asleep on Damian's stomach, which I thought was the cutest thing ever. I kissed both of their foreheads, then I walked down the stairs.

  Alfred greeted me saying,"Young Mrs. Wayne, it is great to see you up and moving!! You are normally still asleep at this time. Is everything all right?"

  Alfred called me "Young Mrs. Wayne," because I was married to Damian and because Selina had the name Mrs. Wayne as well.
  "Everything's fine. Thank you, Alfred. I appreciate your concern. Did my father stop by yet?"

  Alfred nodded, and I smiled in return. I jogged up the stairs and headed towards Daman and I's baby girl. We decided to name her Aurora, which happened to be her favorite Disney Princess. Aurora resembled the princess in many ways, but I just had a feeling she would be special.
  Damian being Damian, had no idea who Aurora or Disney itself!! Of course, I made him sit down through a majority of the classics and Damian ended up actually enjoying them.

  I was not supposed to tell anyone he actually liked them. Oops.

  I walked over to Aurora's crib, only for her to be up and playing with her feet. I giggled, while Aurora noticed me and smiled. She tried to stand up, and I stood there stunned. I smiled anyway and watched her to see how this would play out.

  Once Aurora managed to stand on her two feet, I let her find her balance. Aurora giggled and clapped her hands together, before she held out her arms for me. Carefully, I took Aurora out of her crib, and she rested her head on my chest.
  I kissed her forehead and fixed her bib. I held Aurora's little hand, while I took slow steps down each step.

  Once I reached the last step, Dick bowed to me and Aurora. Aurora immediately reached for him. Dick smiled and played with Aurora. When I turned my head, I spotted Damian leaning on the side of Bruce's desk.

  I walked over to Damian, before he pulled me in for a hug.

  I hugged back and melted into his embrace, while Damian mumbled,"Everything all right, Y/N?"

  I nodded and said,"Yes, I just missed you, that is all."

  Damian nodded and pulled away from the hug, before he pulled me in for a kiss. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck, while Damian brought me closer and tightened his grip around me.

  After a while, I pulled away and cupped his face saying,"What is wrong? Dami, please do not lie to me. Bruce, please make Damian say something."

  Bruce chuckled and sternly said,"Damian Wayne, please talk to your wife. She should not have to beg or say something more than once. Now, do what you are told, Damian."

  I giggled and brought my hands back to Damian's face.

  Damian leaned into my touch and looked down at me saying,"My mother is coming over today. She wanted to see her grandchild, and I could not get her to just forget it."

  I sighed, and Bruce's face drained of color. Why was he nervous? Right, Selina was here, too. She was upstairs, but I highly doubt Selina knew about Talia coming over.

  Damian nuzzled his nose against mine and mumbled,"Please do not be upset with me, baby. I really did not know."

  I kissed Damian's cheek and said,"Everything will be fine, Damian. We will get through this together, all right? Now, there is someone else who really wants to see you."

  Aurora was in Jason's arms, before Jason gently sat her down. Aurora crawled over to Bruce, then she made her way to Damian.
  Damian smiled and gave her multiple kisses, which made Aurora giggle. She tried to get Damian's watch, and Damian let her play with it.

  Bruce just smiled at them and nudged me saying,"Thanks for staying on him, Y/N. I really appreciate all that you have done for him. I know it will be hard trying to reason with Talia, but it will show Damian that he is not in this alone. No matter what happens, promise me you will be here for Damian, always?"

  I smiled and watched Damian and Aurora saying,"I promise to always be here for Damian, no matter how hard it gets. I love him, Bruce, and no other man will ever change that."

  Bruce nodded and held both of my hands over his own, before he headed up the stairs. I meant every word I said to Bruce, and I was certain he knew it, too.
  Having Damian by your side was not a privilege but an honor. No matter what Talia threw at me, I was ready for her.

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