Tim Drake x Reader

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Hey everyone, I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Fourth of July!! Stay safe, and I love each and every one of you!!! This chapter was dedicated an amazing and honorable best friend of mine MarvelandDCunite. She has always been there, so I figured it was the least I can do. Please read her books and support her! I know how much she loves Tim, so this should mean something to her. Check out my new Dick Grayson Imagines book as well, if you want!

Up next: Steve Trevor x Reader

Later: Lex Luthor x Reader


  "Dick, Y/N is never going to forgive me."

  Dick let out another long sigh and said,"Timmy, you have to take it like a man and show Y/N that you really do love her. I mean, you really should not have-"

  I groaned and slumped in my chair saying,"Dick...I get it, okay? I was just trying to help, but I ended up making everything worse. Now, Y/N is upstairs balling her eyes out. I have no idea how to fix it."

  Dick laughed saying,"Are you sure Y/N is not just on her period right now? I mean, she may not announce it, but she clearly makes it clear to everyone when she is irritated."

  I blushed and cleared my throat saying,"No. Y/N would have- Why are we having this conversation? Dick, of course I love her, but I would never mean to bring her childhood into this on purpose. It slipped out."

  Dick put his hand on my shoulder and went to say something, but I stopped him by saying,"No. I am sure whatever is about to come out of your mouth is not something I want to hear or something that will fix my problem. Thank you and no thank you."

  Dick just smirked, before I rolled my eyes and headed up the stairs.

  I spotted Bruce and Alfred talking inside the living room, before Alfred noticed me and asked me,"Master Drake, do you need a moment to speak to Master Bruce?"

  I waved it off saying,"Actually. Alfred you can stay. I am having issues with Y/N, and I could use some assistance. Y/N has been stressed lately and she wanted to go out on a mission with me today, but I accidentally brought up what happened with her parents. She immediately started crying. What do I do?"

  Bruce said,"I really do not know what to tell you, son. I suggest getting up there and apologizing. If that does not work, then just deal with it. Y/N may forgive you and stop crying, or she might just break up with you."

  I immediately frowned, and Bruce was doing the opposite of helping me right now.

  Alfred rolled his eyes and sighed saying,"Master Bruce, I do wish you were not so straightforward, sometimes. Master Timothy, get upstairs and give Miss L/N your best apology. Be gentle. If she wants time, then give it to her. We would rather have her take the time she needs, than for both of you to end up doing something you will deeply regret."

  I smiled at Alfred's response. The response that was so much better than Bruce's.

  Bruce just laughed and Alfred hit his shoulder, before Alfred said,"That is why you are single now, Master Bruce. I know it is quite rude of me, but I think it is my turn to show you what straightforward sounds like from someone else."

  Bruce just stared at Alfred. I laughed this time, before I headed up to talk to Y/N. When I made it to Y/N's door, I could still hear her crying and light sobs filling her room.
  I gently knocked on her door and waited a few moments, before Y/N opened the door.

  "Timmy, why are you here?"

  I sighed saying,"Because I wanted to apologize for what I said. I know you are upset with me, but I am really, really sorry."

  Tears fell down Y/N's eyes, and she sniffed saying,"Timmy, I...I didn't ask to be kicked out of the house. I...I was just trying to help my other family. I...I promise to stay out of your way. I...I just want to prove I am worth something. Show you that...that I want to get past what happened."

  I pulled Y/N in for a hug and she hugged back, before she mumbled,"It...it may take some time for me to forgive you, but..."

  I waited for Y/N to say something, but she just kissed me. I wasn't going to turn her away, so I kissed back.

  I pulled her closer and slowly pulled away, before she sniffed saying,"Sorry. Your lips were dry."

  I laughed and nodded, before I said,"I am okay with earning the apology, but I know you are worth something, Y/N. You have a family here and that includes me. I will always love you."

  Y/N smiled a little saying,"Uh huh. Before you came up here, did you talk to Bruce?"

  I sent Y/N a surprised yet impressed look, and she smirked saying,"Did not go so well, huh? Yeah, I would avoid love advice from Bruce. Every time I ask for advice about you, he suggested breaking up with you and dating someone like Conner."

  Y/N giggled at my facial expression, and I said,"Conner? Why would Bruce..."

  Bruce walked by with Alfred saying,"You can never be too careful, and Tim is not entirely trustworthy. He is smart, though."

  Bruce sent Y/N a wink, and she smiled back at him.

  I rolled his eyes, and Alfred said to Bruce,"Master Bruce, maybe you should just stop trying to give advice. You will have feuds starting left and right, only for you to have to get rid of them. You can barely iron your own clothes, and I do not remember the last time you did that."

  Geez, Alfred was on fire today. Y/N and I smiled, while Bruce looked like he wanted to say something. However, we all knew he would not dare speak back to Alfred.

  Alfred just smirked in triumph. Y/N kissed my cheek, before she hugged my waist saying,"About that mission..."

  I smirked saying,"Already ahead of you. Let's go."

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