Bruce Wayne x Reader Part 1

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Dedicated to peaxh14

Up next: Bruce Wayne x Reader Part 2

Later: Pre-teen Clark Kent x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  "So, this is the famous Wayne Manor? I expected more."

  I made my way inside Wayne Manor, where the famous Mr. Wayne was holding a masked party. A masked party free to the public. I thought it was dangerous and highly irresponsible of Mr. Wayne.
  He should be the main one trying to keep strangers out of his home. Wayne Manor was the prized home of all Gotham City. It once was home to Thomas and Martha Wayne.

  I scrunched my nose at the immediate smell of alcohol and must filling my nostrils, before I noticed someone walking towards a group of females on my right.
  I was offered a drink, but I politely declined the server's notion and watched as the females threw themselves on the man wearing a blue and black mask.

  It was not very coordinated, but not everyone was creative when it came to dressing up. Some people called just throwing in a random green or yellow in a pink shirt "creative," but many would beg to differ. 

  I was one of those people...

  One of the women said,"Bruce, you throw this big old party, and you are telling me you have danced with anyone yet?"

  Mr. Wayne cleared his throat saying,"Girls, this is still my home, so I have to make sure everything is all right. I do not have time to dance."

  I walked over to the group and said,"Meaning he is not interested in a single one of you. He needs to make sure his house is in order."

  The women rolled their eyes at me and walked away, before Mr. Wayne said,"Thank you. I could have done that another way."

  I turned around and began to walk away mumbling,"Sure, you could."
  I went to take a seat, but Mr. Wayne gently grabbed my elbow.

  He asked me,"Would you like to dance with me? For a moment?"

  I shrugged and Mr. Wayne took my hand, leading me to the ballroom. Many masked citizens were in the room talking, dancing, and some in-between.
  Mr. Wayne laughed at the sight, but I did not find it very funny at all.

  Mr. Wayne noticed and said,"You don't really like parties, do you?"

  I shook my head, admitting to Mr. Wayne,"No. Nothing good ever came from me going to any parties; especially back in college."

  Mr. Wayne nodded and went to say something, but our attention was ruined by a piercing scream coming from the opposite side of the room.
  So much for the dance.

  A woman rushed towards Mr. Wayne and said,"Joker. He...He's here!!"

  Mr. Wayne's eyes darkened for a bit, but he said,"Go. Let everyone know this party is now over. EVERYONE HEAD TOWARDS THE SIDE EXIT!! NOW!!"

  It surprised me by how Mr. Wayne reacted. He seemed like he had been through this sort of thing before. I watched as many people rushed towards the side door and exited Wayne Manor, many speeding down Mr. Wayne's driveway and to their cars. 

  Mr. Wayne put his hands on my shoulders saying,"Make sure these people get out safely. I will handle Joker. Trust me, I will be fine. If not, you'll read about it. It was nice meeting you."

  Mr. Wayne rushed towards the entrance of the ball room, while I headed to the side door and made sure everyone made it out okay.
  After a few minutes, everyone was gone, and a van pulled up. There was something very different about this van. The images and choice of wording was already creepy enough.

  I hid under one of the tables in the ballroom, since I was always known to be able to fit in small areas because of my size. I kept quiet as best as I could, even though I was scared and nervous that someone would find me. The tablecloth over the table was lifted up, while I held in any sighs or noises that would give away my position.

  Unfortunately, it was not enough. A hand grabbed my arm and roughly pulled me from underneath the table.

  The person who so rudely grabbed me was Joker.

  Joker chuckled and held something in his hand, before he said,"Today is really not your day, is it? Luckily for you, I love making new friends!!! Boys, time to hit the road."

  I struggled against Joker's grip, before something collided with the back of my head. I fell to the ground and felt myself being dragged, before everything went dark.

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