Justice League x Reader

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Dedicated to Brownstone88.

Info: You are a dedicated member of the Justice League, but you are famous. By famous, I mean you are performing on Broadway. The team decides to come to see you perform.

Up next: Suicide Squad x Reader

Later: Dick Grayson x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Right now, I took deep breaths trying to get ready for my performance. Instead of just working behind a desk, I was known to many as a famous singer.
  I may not be the biggest name out there right now, but I knew I would be one day. Gotta be positive, right? I paced around for the thousandth time and felt hands on my shoulders. I looked up from my shoulders, and those hands belonged to Barry Allen.

  Barry was fixing his tie but handed me flowers and kissed my forehead saying,"Relax, Y/N, you will do amazing. If not, then obviously this performance was rigged."

  I giggled at Barry's comment, which I did enjoy hearing.

  Before Barry left, I grabbed his hand and sent him a genuine smile saying,"Thanks, Bar, I appreciate this a lot. I needed a close friend."

  Barry nodded, before he went back towards the audience. My coach, that trained me, walked up to me and continued to make me take deep breaths. She greatly encouraged me to stay strong and that this was a piece of cake.

  I thanked her and gave her a hug, before I turned around and walked on stage. I heard Hal and Barry screaming my name and cheering, before Bruce shushed them and Barry stuck his tongue out at Bruce when Bruce's attention was directed towards Diana.
  Bruce quickly turned around and sent Barry that famous Batglare, which actually did not make me so nervous about my performance. They were making my mood better, because a few minutes ago, I felt like I should not have been here.

  I was given a cue on when to go, before I began to sing "Remember Me" from Phantom of the Opera. It was a classic piece that I enjoyed singing often.
  Many people that I knew had never even heard of the classic, but I knew that there were others who enjoyed hearing something different every once and a while.

Think of me, Think of me fondly

When we've said goodbye

Remember me once and a while

Please, promise me you'll try.

When you find that once again you long

To take your heart back and be free

If you ever find a moment

Spare a thought for me.

  With every word I sung, I felt like the many other famous singers that were known to perform here. I kept my eyes towards the audience, no matter how nervous I was about randomly messing up.
  When my eyes met Bruce's, he sent me a smile that I have never really seen before. That only gave me more motivation to pull through and that I could do this.

  I closed my eyes and sang,"

We never said " our love was ever-green"

Or " as changing as the sea"

But if you can still remember,

Stop and think of me.

  My smile only grew as I began to really feel the song and knew that I would move the audience. The League watched in awe at hearing my range of different chords and melodies, while Barry looked jealous.
  I let out a small laugh, but it did help me to realize that it did not hurt to lighten up and go your own way with a song that many recognized.

Think of all the things

We've shared and seen

Don't think about the things which might have been..

Think of me, Think of me waking

Silent and resigned

Imagine me trying too hard

To put you from my mind.

  I noticed Clark gently nudging Bruce.  Bruce just smiled and his focus never left from what I was doing.

  I blushed and smiled, while I continued singing,"

Recall those days, look back on all those times

Think of the things will never do

There will never be a day

When I won't think of you.

  My smile grew as I finished,"

We never said "our love was ever-green

Or "as unchanging as the sea"

But please promise me that sometimes

You will think

Of me..."

  I took a deep breath in content and realized I had just conquered one of my fears and lived my dream. The crowd erupted into cheers and flowers were thrown on stage, before I felt someone tap my shoulder.
  I turned and saw Bruce holding flowers in his hands. Tears formed in my eyes and I thanked him, before he smiled and pulled me in for a hug.

  I hugged back, and Bruce said,"You did amazing. How about we go celebrate? I will pay."

  I smiled and nodded, before Bruce led me off stage and Diana and Shayera just sent me winks and smirks.
  I just laughed and blew them a kiss, before we all met up and celebrated my accomplishment. Did I also mention I got invited to sing again and I got Batman? Basically, I received everything in one night.

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