Damian Wayne x Reader Part 2

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Up next: Tim Drake x Reader

Later: Steve Trevor x Reader

   Y/N'S POV


  Damian turned on his side and asked me,"What do you want, N/N?"

  I pouted and let Damian know I hated when he talked to me like that, before he sighed and took my hand saying,"I am sorry, N/N. Yes?"

  "I cannot go to sleep. Tell me a bedtime story."

  Damian chuckled and said,"N/N, you need to grow up. Really? Who still needs a bedtime story at 20 years old?"

  I pushed Damian off the bed and got up, before I grabbed a blanket and pillow from the terrace saying,"If you want to be like that then Damian, then I will get Bruce to tell me a bedtime story."

  Damian just laid on the floor and laughed again, before I asked myself why I was even with him in the first place.
  I made my way to Bruce's bedroom and knocked on his door, but I noticed it was already open. I raised an eyebrow and looked inside, but no sign of Bruce.

  I jogged down the stairs and towards the back of Wayne Manor, before I took the clock entrance to the Batcave.
I let out a sigh of relief at seeing Batman; however, Superman and Martian Manhunter were here as well.

  I sat down in Batman's lap and made him look at me saying,"Bruce, Damian is being rude to me right now, and we are not together at the moment. We will be back together when he gets himself together. Will you tell me a bedtime story?"

  Batman chuckled, and Superman and Manhunter sent me weird looks.

  I snapped saying,"What? A woman cannot get a decent bedtime story from the great Dark Knight? Do not judge me, and I will not judge you."

  Superman and Manhunter looked away, before Batman said,"Give me a few minutes with Y/N. You're welcomed to stay down here."

  I smiled, before I got a closer look at the symbol on Superman's chest. Of course, I was familiar with him, but his symbol always looked familiar to me for a reason. I had to figure out why it did, even before Superman was even around.

  Bruce said,"Y/N, are you all right?"

  I heard what Bruce said, but I did not reply. I slowly stood to my feet and made my way towards Superman.
  Superman looked at me confused, until I reached him and rested my hand on his symbol.

  I sighed saying,"When I was younger, my aunt used to always tell me stories of my parents that I never remembered. She told me that they were well-respected people and that they did everything they could to protect the ones they cared about, but no one could ever tell me what happened to them. When I was helping my aunt move, I found a box with some souvenirs in it. Me, being careless then, I thought everything in there was worthless. Something told me not to throw them away, so I did not. There was this note, and it was from a woman named Lara Lor-Van and a man named Jor-El. I was too young to understand what anything in that note meant then, but it basically said that I was going to be the younger sister of a legacy. Those people were your parents, Clark. Our parents. I am your long-lost sister. I even have proof, if you don't believe me."

  I expected Clark to be upset or mad, but he just pulled me in for a hug and I hugged back.

  Clark pulled away from the hug and went to say something, but something appeared on the floor in front of us.

  I tried to figure out where it could have come from, until Bruce yelled,"EVERYONE, MOVE!!"

  I went to move, but it was already too late. It was a bomb and I was blown into one of Bruce's cases, before I groaned in pain. My head felt like it was spinning.
  I could make out Batman fighting someone, while Superman and Manhunter tried to run towards me.

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