Shazam x Reader

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Dedicated to Emeraldia1Elessar2

Up next: Justice League x Reader

Later: Dick Grayson x Reader


  Y/N! She had been taken, and I had been unsuccessful on locating her whereabouts. She could be anywhere...She could be hurt or worse.

  I shook the negative thoughts out of my head, and Superman flew beside me saying,"Don't worry, Billy. We'll find her."

  I nodded, and Superman exclaimed,"There! Hurry!"

  I flew down as fast as I could and landed in front of Y/N. She was leaning on a dumpster for support, yet she was barely conscious.

  Before she could fall over, I caught her and she said,"M...My stomach."

  I brought my attention to her stomach, and I said,"Superman!"

  He noticed Y/N's wound and I held Y/N still, before Superman used his heat vision to close Y/N's wound. I didn't know how he could do that, but it worked. However, I still took Y/N to a hospital and she woke up not too long after.

  Y/N slowly opened her E/C eyes and said,"T...Thanks for...for helping me."

  I nodded and replied,"You're welcome. How do you feel?"

  Y/N sent me a weak smile and looked me in the eyes saying,"I...I've felt better, but I...I'm good. C...Can you t...thank Superman too for...for me?"

  I gave her a "yes" before she just studied me. Just when I thought I should be panicking, Y/N broke into tears.
  I didn't know whether to hug her or call someone in, yet she pulled me in for a hug.

  She cried saying,"I...I know I should...should talk about it, but...but I don't know how. I...I wish my best friend were...were here."

  I asked,"What's their name?"

  She said,"Billy."

  I smiled and she looked at me confused, until I said,"What does this Billy look like?"

  After Y/N finished describing myself to me, I cleared my throat saying,"I think I saw this Billy outside. He wanted me to check on you first, before he came in."

  Y/N smiled and sniffed saying,"Really?"

  I nodded and she thanked me again, then I walked out. I quickly changed back to Billy, until I waited a few moments to go inside.
  When I walked back inside the room, Y/N tried to get out of bed.

  More tears were falling down her face, and she said in pure delight,"Billy! You're here!"

  I embraced her, and she held on to me tightly. I was able to calm her down, yet she looked like she was hesitant about something.

  I said,"Y/N, you're my best friend. You can tell me about anything."

  Y/N slowly nodded and took a deep breath, giving me every detail of what really happened to her. Not only was she kidnapped, but she was beaten and managed to get to where Superman and I found her at. I thanked God nothing else happened, because it could have been much worse. That only caused me to hold Y/N even tighter, yet she didn't say a single word.

  I just sat there and held her, trying to comfort her and myself from the possibilities of what could have happened.

DC Comics Imagines 2 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt