Dick Grayson x Reader

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Dedicated to KindredxSpirits

Up next: Injustice 2 Damian Wayne x Female Reader

Later: Bruce Wayne x Requested Reader

Side note: Hey, everyone, I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Christmas Eve and a Merry Christmas! I, also want to apologize if my imagines in the Marvel book, or even this one, have been bad and not as enjoyable as they normally are. I have been through somethings these last few weeks, so it's affecting me more than I would like for them to. It just happened to be around Christmas time, which isn't the best time. I did feel like I should apologize for that, but still having you all staying strong and reading my books makes me smile, when I haven't really been doing a lot of it lately. I do appreciate each and every one of you for just appreciating any or ALL of my books. For that, it makes me extremely grateful. I hope you all enjoy your holidays!! Perfect time to watch DC and Marvel movies all day!

   Y/N'S POV

  Once I made it to the famous Wayne Manor, I knocked on the door and an older man opened the door.

  He asked me,"Are you Ms. L/N?"

  I nodded and politely corrected him by saying,"Y/N, but yes, that is me. Are you Alfred Pennyworth?"

  He nodded and smiled saying,"Yes, I am. You may come in, Ms. Y/N."

  I went to say Y/N, but something told me Alfred here, would just act like I did not say that to him.
  I just smiled at how polite and proper he was, before I gasped at the interior of Wayne Manor.

  Alfred chuckled saying,"There is more, Ms. L/N. It will be nice having company around. Someone else to understand the hard labor that goes into keeping this place tidy."

  I chuckled saying,"Glad I am making you less miserable, then."

  Alfred corrected me saying,"Oh, I am not miserable. I love doing what I do, but sometimes, I need to rest as well."

  I replied,"Well, that is relatable. So, are there certain rooms I am and not allowed to clean?"

  Alfred motioned for me to follow him up the stairs, before he said,"Not that I can recall at the moment, but mainly these two floors are the ones that I would say really need your attention. The bottom one I can take care of. Ms. Y/N?"

  I looked at Alfred, then he walked up to me saying,"Do not let the young masters who live here intimidate you. If they try to hinder your work or your time off, then just come and get me. I will handle them for you."

  I smiled at Alfred and nodded, before I began to clean one of the "young masters'," as Alfred called them, bathroom.

  As I was cleaning one of them, I heard a familiar voice say,"Y/N, is that you?"

  I turned and saw Jason Todd. I had not seen him in years, but he did look good. I meant, well! He looked well! I didn't love him or anything, just...Never mind.

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