Barry Allen x Reader

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Dedicated to Marwovkyne

Up next: Joker x Reader

Later: Blue Beetle x Requested Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Right now, my head was hurting and spinning like nobody's business. In front of me, I had Savitar Barry Allen, past Barry Allen, Future Barry Allen, and my Barry Allen, which was the present Barry Allen. To be honest, Savitar Barry Allen stood beside me, and I was definitely scared of him.

  I held on to Barry's hand, and he said,"It's okay. I brought you all here because I can't defeat this one on my own. I need all of your help for this one. Somehow, many metas were released and my team and I can't do this alone. I'm outnumbered. We're outnumbered. Please."

  Past Barry Allen nodded and said,"I'm in, but you have more knowledge than I do. Why am I useful?"

  My Barry Allen replied,"Because you're still me. Yes, I may have more knowledge now, but there are somethings I lost along the way. That gives you a different approach than my own."

  Past Barry Allen nodded again and looked around at Iris, Joe, Cisco, Caitlin, and Harry.

  Once he noticed Harry, he looked at him confused and asked,"How is he standing right now?"

  I did not know whether to speak or not, but present Barry said,"That's not your Harrison Wells. He is from another earth."

  Past Barry Allen still continued to look at Harry, and Harry just talked to Cisco.

  Savitar Barry Allen asked my Barry Allen,"What makes you think you can trust me?"

  My Barry Allen said,"I don't, but right now, I'm low on options. I'm hoping I can trust you. Gives you a chance to prove there's some good left in you."

  I looked at Savitar Barry Allen, and he just looked to the side, but I knew he had heard my Barry Allen.
  I should've just come up with nicknames for the different Barry Allens in S.T.A.R. Labs right now. Future Barry Allen sent me a smile, and I smiled back at him.

  My Barry Allen said,"All right. Let's get out there and save Central City. We don't have much time left."

  My Barry Allen gave me a kiss, and I gave him another in return. I walked up to all the other Barry Allens and gave them a kiss on the cheek in good luck. My Barry Allen looked jealous, but he just sent me a nod. Together, they all left to go defend the city. Caitlin, Cisco, and Joe left to help out, while Iris, Harry, and I stayed behind to watch over them.

  A couple of hours later, the four Barry Allens were able to help defend Central City, and my Barry Allen offered them to the opportunity to stay.
  Savitar Barry Allen just left, as well as Past Barry Allen. However, Future Barry Allen stayed.

  My Barry Allen pulled me to the side and said,"You know, you could always go with Future me, if you wanted to."

  I looked at him confused, and he explained to me,"Y/N, I wouldn't be mad at you, if you did leave. I mean, the chance to see your future and not have to stay here. Things could be so much different. Who knows? Future me could be so much better than the me right now. Plus, you could have your own suit."

  I chuckled at Barry's joke, but I shook my head saying,"No. No, Allen. I would not leave this time for the world. Yes, Future Barry Allen seems very sweet and more handsome, but I adore the you right now. Barry, why would I miss the chance of spending all the time I can with you right now, instead of skipping them all? If I were to leave with him, that could be 6 or 7 years from now. Time is precious, and I have loved my time with you more than you know. Don't try to get rid of me already, sweetheart."

  Barry smiled and nodded, before Cisco said,"Just kiss already."

  Caitlin smiled at Barry and me, then she said to me,"I thought your speech was very nice, Y/N. Very well said. I agree with Cisco, though."

  Joe said,"I don't know."

  I laughed and kissed Barry, before he kissed me back. When we pulled away from the kiss, I placed kisses all over his face and hugged Barry.
  Barry hugged me back, and I told him there could be a million other Barry Allens, but he was the only one I thought could be the most adorable and precious.

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