Damian Wayne x Becky Kane

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Dedicated to Nightwing7207.

Up next: Superman x Reader

Later: Lex Luthor x Reader Part 2


  I, currently, found myself in Gotham City, where Rā's al Ghūl, my advisor, had sent me to check on his grandson Damian Wayne. Apparently, Damian realized that Talia was not so great of a mother and did not talk much about her, but he was having a better life living with Bruce.
  I jumped off of the rooftop after spotting a helicopter coming my way. It was not that I was hiding anything, but I was not one for letting someone else find out I was here. I did not come here to start any trouble, just do my job that I was given.

  When I made it to Wayne Manor, I quickly changed into something comfortable, so Bruce would not be so alarmed and skeptical of me being here.
  I knocked on the door, and it was opened by Alfred. I sent him an awkward smile and wave, while he just laughed in response and hugged me. I hugged back, and it felt good to be wanted for once.

  Alfred pulled away from the hug and led me in, before Bruce jogged downstairs and noticed I was here. He went to say something, but I felt someone tackle me and pin me down to the ground.

  I immediately fought back and stopped whoever just touched me, before I said in pure disgust,"I do not know who you think you are, but do not touch me!! I do not know where you have been and I am not a fan of meeting new people; especially boys who are shorter and in my way."

  Bruce seemed to laugh at my statement, which caused me to smile. It was not often that Bruce smiled, so you always enjoyed it whenever you caught it in the moment.

  The boy wasn't amused and rolled his eyes saying,"Father, really? She clearly has no manners and needs to go back to where she came from."

  I shrugged and said,"You do not always get what you want in life, and I would go back where I came from, it is just I do not want to. You seem like a nice guy, though. I am Becky."

  I extended my hand for the boy, and he shook my hand saying,"I am Damian Wayne. I take it you already knew that?"

  I nodded and sent him an awkward smile saying,"Yeah, your grandfather sent me to keep an eye on you. I think it is his way of saying he misses you and wants to make sure you are okay. If there is one thing I have learned: Rā's is like Bruce when it comes to showing emotions."

  Damian and I both laughed at my conclusion, while Bruce just stood there with a dull expression on his face. Bruce, then shook his head and made his way towards the living room.

  I stood there not really wanting to do much, before Damian said,"Ever played Assassins Creed before?"

  I shook my head and said,"No, but I am open to learning. Care to show me?"

  Damian seemed to smile and led me upstairs, while I passed by Jason and sent him a nod.
  Jason nodded back, before he seemed to be smirking at me following Damian. I rolled my eyes and pushed Jason over, which resulted in him falling downstairs.

  I went to help him, but I was already in the process of walking into Damian's room. That would mean more energy, which I did not have, so I hoped Jason was okay. After about an hour, I got tired and yawned.

  I went to get up, but Damian grabbed my arm and said,"You can stay, if you want. I am sure Father will not mind. Please?"

  I was shocked Damian actually wanted me here, but I found myself smiling and relaxed into the chair in Damian's room.
  He offered for me to take the bed many times and he would take the chair, but I was too stubborn and Damian ended up just dropping it at about the hundredth time.

  I wrapped the covers around me and felt a kiss on my forehead, before I found myself blushing and slightly opening my eyes.
  As I watched Damian turn on his side, I smiled and thought he truly was something special.

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