Bane x Reader

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Up next: Clark Kent (Justice League) x Reader

Later: Justice League x Older Reader Part 2 (Sequel to Justice League x Younger Reader)

Side note: Guys please check out my Fast and Furious Imagines book!

   Y/N'S POV

  Being the daughter of Alfred Pennyworth and Dr. Thompkins, it meant that I was aware of Bruce being Batman and the origin stories of the different Robins.
  Bruce served as a second father to me, most of the time. The other times, he served more as a mentor. Yes, I often went out on patrol with Batman, but he didn't like for me to take risks as much as the next person.

  Bruce was really more protective at Wayne Manor than out in the field. I think it was mainly because Dad convinced him that he needed to stop worrying about me so much. He did it so much that it often caused him to lose much sleep.

  Currently, I was making my way towards GCPD, until Batman came over our comm link saying,"Y/N, where are you?"

  I jumped across the rooftops of Gotham City, before I was only a few centimeters from GCPD.

  My heart rate increased, and Batman asked me,"Y/N...Why do you sound tired? Where are you?"

  I chuckled and finally made it, before I said,"Relax, Batman. I'm-"

  Something collided with the back of my head, which caused me to stop responding to Batman. I lost my balance and hit the surface of the rooftop hard.
  I tried to get up, but I didn't have the strength to. The objects in front of me became very difficult to read. All I could hear was deep laughs. That was when I lost consciousness.


  I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, but then my attention was brought to my wrists. My wrists were chained to a chair, but the chair was literally hanging over a steep edge. That was when I looked in front of me and saw...Bane.

  He chuckled and said,"She's awake, my friends. Why hello, Ms. Pennyworth."

  I groaned at the headache I had going on and said to Bane,"I would say the same, b...but you almost killed me."

  Bane leaned my chair back, and my breath quickened as I looked down.

  Bane smirked and laughed saying,"Don't be so offended, Y/N. Now, where's Batman?"

  I said,"I...I can't tell you that. His orders."

  Bane groaned and pulled my chair back to the point where if he let it back anymore, I would be upside down and possibly fall to my death. I was really afraid of heights, yet I was able to do missions all the time.
  I guess I wasn't truly afraid until one of these Gotham maniacs tried to literally throw me off a building.

  Bane said,"Will you ever be able to tell him anything again, if I let your chair go? Hmm?"

  I took deep breaths and said,"No, but I know he'll be proud that I stood up to a criminal like you."

  Bane undid my chains and threw me onto the other edge of the building, which I was having a hard time trying to recognize.
  I got back up and tried to fight back, but he was stronger than I was. Bane grabbed me by my neck and held me up, before he began to tighten his grip.

  I held on as best as I could, while I slowly brought my hand up behind him. I used one of Batman's gifts to me, which was a Batarang, and cut one of Bane's chords connecting to his backside.
  Bane screamed in pain and I kicked him away from me, before I threw a smoke pellet. I came up behind him and cut the other one, then Bane fell to the ground.

  However, we weren't alone. A shot went off, and I looked down to see the blood slowly forming in my abdomen.

  I fell to the ground, and Joker stepped into the spotlight yelling,"Sorry I'm late, but I just had to...Bane!! You were supposed to take care of her, before I got here. I already threatened the butler and good ol' Bruce Wayne!!"

  Bane slowly got up and picked me up again, while I remained strong. Every second, I was losing blood. That was never good.

  Joker held out his gun and smirked at me saying,"Let's end this for good. Shall we?"

  Before Joker could get a shot off, Bane yelled,"No!! Joker don't!! If you kill her, then we won't get our chance to finish our plan. We don't need any more attention from Wayne and the butler."

  Joker sighed, and Bane dropped me.

  Joker made his way towards the staircase, before Bane said to me,"This time, you got lucky, Y/N. That maniac could have killed you, but he didn't. That was because I helped you. What do you say?"

  I can't believe I was going to say this to Bane, but I weakly said,"T...Thank you."

  Bane nodded, before he headed in the same direction Joker did. I turned around and crawled towards a better spot, then I painfully removed the bullet from my stomach.
  Tears fell down my face, and I had to wipe the ones after in order to get a clear view of what I was doing.

  As I aided myself, I began to feel too weak to do anything else. I feared that I would lose everything right here, until someone moved my hands and began to take care of my wound for me.
  I was not able to see who it was, but I could tell they knew what they were doing. When I could somewhat feel again and see what was around me, Batman was in front of me.

  Batman picked me up and said,"Don't worry, Y/N. I'll get you home."

  All I did was nod, but I thought it could have been him who helped me. However, I looked back and saw Bane in the distance.
  When I saw what was in his hands, I was at a loss of words. He...He was the one who helped me?

  When his eyes met mine, I sent him a nod in thank you. Bane nodded back, but I began to have thousands of questions race through my mind. One of the more relevant ones was: Why did someone like Bane save me twice?
  I spent hours trying to figure out, but this was the best answer I could come up with: Maybe it was the fact that underneath all that exterior, there was a heart in there somewhere. Maybe criminals cared, too, even when you least expected it. That...That I found very interesting about Bane.

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