Bruce Wayne x Reader

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Dedicated to Violaplayer44

Up next: Barry Allen x Reader

Later: Joker x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Surprisingly, my phone went off in the middle of the night. Well, actually it was 2 in the morning.

  Bruce Wayne, my wonderful boyfriend of three years, mumbled,"Y/N, please get your phone. That's a horrible ringtone."

  I knocked him off the bed and walked outside to the terrace to answer the call.
  The second I did, it took me a minute to recognize the voice on the other end.

  It was my old next-door neighbor, Ms. Dabney, and she said in a depressed tone,"I'm so sorry about this, Y/N, but it's your parents. Sweetheart, they're gone. They were murdered a few hours ago, G.C.P.D. thinks. I told them to hold off on getting your parents. Are you going to-"

  Tears poured down my face, as I weakly said,"Y...Yeah. I...I'll be there. Thank you, Ms. Dabney."

  She hung up, and I leaned on the railing, breaking down in a way I never thought I could. I was sure everyone in Wayne Manor could hear me from outside.
  Bruce rushed outside and immediately wrapped his arms around me, to which I gladly fell into.

  He shushed me, but I could not stop crying. I had just lost the people who were there for me when no one else was. It didn't feel real at all, and I was sure it wouldn't for a while.
  Bruce tried to calm me down, yet he did ask me why I was so upset.

  I replied,"My...My parents are gone, Bruce. They're...They're gone."

  Bruce understood and went to stay to comfort me, but I reminded him that I had to go see the scene myself. Bruce just let me be, and he came with me to my parents' house.
  There were officers all over the place, before I spotted Commissioner Gordon.

  He sent me sympathetic eyes and said,"I'm sorry, Y/N. Your parents were good people. Much like Bruce's were."

  Bruce stayed back with Commissioner Gordon, as I entered the house. Everything was destroyed, but it smelt really bad. Almost like...I looked around and saw everything was black. A fire...It must have caused all of this.
  I walked into the bedroom and saw both of my parents were in there. It looked like my dad was holding my mother.

  I fell to my knees and cried for so long, I did not even realize Bruce was standing behind me.

  When I did notice him, I sniffed and said,"Bruce, I...I know who did this. I...I should have thought about this. I...I should have saw this coming."

  Bruce rested his hand on my shoulder, and I yelled in frustration,"Bruce, I don't want sympathy! I want my parents to be here with me!"

  Bruce jumped, and I said,"I'm sorry, Bruce. I didn't mean to yell at you. It just...It doesn't feel real. It feels like I'm having a nightmare. Bruce, please tell me this isn't real. Tell me I'm asleep."

  Bruce cupped my face and said,"Sweetheart, I wish I could, but this is real. It's okay if you cry on me. Just this one time."

  I chuckled and wrapped my arms around Bruce's waist, and he let me be his shoulder to cry on.


  I stood outside of my parents' house, and Bruce said,"You said you knew who did this, correct?"

  I nodded and explained to him,"I've had my guesses, but I'm sure this was Joker. Dad used to work for him, and he eventually had a change of heart, which ended up with Joker being captured. I think this was his payback, so Dad couldn't betray him again. Dad told me about the threats he would receive from Joker a while ago, but-"

  Bruce asked me,"Why didn't you come to me about it?"

  I admitted to Bruce,"Because I wasn't even supposed to know. Dad said that if Joker found out that Dad had told someone or slipped up, then he would handle him. Mom, too. He was already scared, Bruce, and I said I would keep my word to keep it a secret. Looking at this now, I...regret it."

  Bruce held my hand and shushed me, keeping me from letting out another cry.

  He said to me,"You're staying with me. I'm not sending you to your place. Not after this. As for Joker, I'll deal with him."

  I nodded and thanked Bruce, squeezing his hand. Bruce took me to Wayne Manor, and I was sure Alfred and the boys had heard already. I would not be surprised, if it was on the news. Bruce helped me get ready for bed and instantly talked to me. He kept his focus on me and even told me how he felt when he lost his parents.
  Even better, Bruce stayed up with me. I knew it would take time for me to get over this, but at least I still had Bruce, Jason, Tim, Dick, Damian, Alfred, Lucius, Tam, Tiffany, Barry, Clark. People I knew that would serve as my motivators at this time of my life.

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