Jason Todd x Reader

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Inside Info: Lately, you have experienced the issue of not fitting in and it has been really tough on you, but there is always that special someone who will try to cheer you up and remind you that being different is okay. That special someone is Jason Peter Todd. After all, the second oldest of the Bat-family knows a thing or two about pain but also learning to let go of it. This imagine is based off of the classic "Breakaway" by Kelly Clarkson *

Up next: Barry Allen x Reader

Later: Oliver Queen x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  I slowly made my way to my car, and something hit my shoulder. I turned and saw my bully, since middle school, turning back to her friends and giggling. I rolled my eyes and winced in pain, before I removed my hand and saw that my shoulder was bleeding.
  I immediately got inside my car and wrapped my shoulder, but I had a hard time figuring out how I would hide this from Jason Todd, my boyfriend, but I didn't know if I could. Also, Jason had been my best friend since Kindergarten.

  I quickly drove off and made my way to my house. I was supposed to meet Jason for our date about an hour ago, so I knew he would be upset with me. I already had enough to deal with, because one of my teachers gave me detention for something I did not even do. I had almost made it home, until a familiar black Mustang raced in front of my car.

  I sighed and pulled over to the side, before Jason got out of the car and I rolled down my window saying,"Jase, I...uh..."

  I was cut off by Jason kissing me passionately yet desperately like he had been worrying about me all this time. I immediately relaxed and kissed back, before Jason slowly pulled away and made me look at him.

  Jason's eyes stared into my own E/C eyes with concern, as he said,"Baby, where have you been? I have been searching everywhere for you, and we had a date an hour and a half ago. I was worried sick about you."

  I looked down and noticed Jason looking away from me. When I saw what he was looking at, I knew I was busted.
  Jason gently pushed on my shoulder, which immediately made me groan and push his hands away.

  Jason frowned and asked me,"Who did this to you?"

  I stayed quiet, because I knew Jason would probably do his best to go after Kiara, if he did find out.

  I sighed saying,"Kiara and her friends, of course. I already had to serve detention, Jay, and I know it was Jess, who made it look like I stole Ms. Palm's favorite mug. Jason. Then, Kiara followed me, even though I made sure I stayed out of her way. She threw something at my shoulder, and I do not really know what it was, but it hurt."

  Jason put his hand over mine and went to say something to me, but the tears were already pouring down my face. I knew he was going to tell me that everything was going to be all right. He had told me that for what felt like years now, but every year felt the same.

  Jason pulled me into his lap and kissed my nose saying,"Baby, as long as you have me, then you do not need to worry about being different than everyone else. Babe, I had a hard time fitting in in this family, and even renewing my relationship with Bruce. I will be honest, the pain is still there, but it is not as strong because I had to accept the fact that I am different and that bad things happen. Ever since I first met you, you have been able to make me smile and feel comfortable and I have always loved that about you. Babe, just because you have powers, does not mean you are a freak or deserve to be in a prison. It just makes me love you even harder."

  I smiled softly at Jason, while he held up my hands and intertwined his fingers with mine.

  Jason noticed me suddenly look down and sighed saying,"Babe, please do not do that. I love you for who you are. No other girl in this whole world could ever change that. Please look at me."

  When my eyes finally met Jason's, I had a hard time keeping my tears inside. Jason wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead, while he shushed me and started telling me about his day.
  I giggled at him mentioning that Damian tried to bully him earlier this week, but Jason just ended up annoying him and making Damian mad at him.

  Jason intertwined his fingers with mine and leaned on me saying,"You know, I am glad I met you, Y/N. I do not know what life would be like without you."

  I rested my forehead on Jason's saying,"I do not know what my life would look like every day without you, Todd, and I am glad you are here. I love you, Jason."

  Jason smiled down at me and nodded replying,"I love you more, Y/N. Being different and not like everyone else is a good thing, babe. I'm different from everyone else, too."

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