Joker x Insane Child Reader

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Dedicated to PurebloodandProud221. Hey, DC family!! Suicide Squad is out in theaters now!! I, honestly, think that you guys should just go and see it for yourself before you start believing other people's opinions on it. At least if you don't like it, you got to see it for yourself and made that call on your own.

Up next: Bruce Wayne x Reader

Later: Jason Todd x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  As I sat inside my cell, Doctor Crane told me that I would have to see him soon. I nodded and looked back down at the chains around my wrists.
  My attention suddenly moved to out the window, and I wondered what it was like outside Arkham Asylum. My doctor always told me about the outer layers of Gotham, but he said I would be better in here where there was somewhat more protection.

  I heard someone knocking on the bars beside my cell and saw Doctor Crane. He opened my cell door and some guards took off my chains, before they led me into his office.

  I sat down, before he asked me,"How are you feeling today, child?"

  I looked down and sighed saying,"No better than I did yesterday. Doctor?"

  He hmmed in response, before I curiously asked him,"Did you know my parents? What were they like?"

  He stopped what he was doing and sat down beside me. He held out his hand, and I put mine in his.

  He smiled down at me and moved a strand of hair from my face saying,"They were extraordinary people, my dear!! Some of the best people you could ever meet in this world! I know they would have been proud of you, especially with the beautiful girl you have become!"

  I smiled up at the Doctor, before he gently laid me back. He gave my hand a squeeze in encouragement, while he injected some medicine into my system.
  I had to take it every 4 hours, because I had been affected by some chemical from when I was experimented on as a baby.

  After the Doctor was done, he went to get me some more ice and medication to help ease the pain a little bit more. I smiled, before I heard a deep and crazy chuckle coming from the doorway.
  Once the man walked through the door, I immediately tensed in my chair and prayed that Doctor Crane would get back here fast. The man noticed me.

  He laughed and said,"Why, hello!! You must be Y/N. The Doctor has told me a lot about you!!! I am sure you know who I am."

  I gave him a blank look and shook my head saying,"No, I...I don't. Who are you?"

  He jumped back a little bit and gave me a smile that I, for once, did not like.

  He chuckled saying,"Why, my name is Joker!! I am here for my appointment with Doctor Crane. I always forget which one the man goes by."

  Joker skipped his way over to the other open chair, before the Doctor walked back into the room. I let out a sigh of relief and immediately ran to him.

  He hugged back, before Joker said,"Aww, isn't that sweet!! She is very adorable, Jonathan!! I take it the kiddo is yours?"

  Doctor Crane looked down at me and smiled saying,"I guess she is. Since you are one of my most challenging patients, I need you to just sit still and please do not get any ideas. Y/N will not be a part of any of this."

  Joker looked hurt by his comment, while he put his hand over his heart saying,"Why, that one hurt. Does Bats know you have a soft side? I, honestly, like this side of you. I am personally not a big fan of your chemicals and toxins!!"

  I giggled a little, which made Joker smile over at me. It actually was genuine, which made me smile back.

  The Doctor crouched down in front of me and said,"Do you think you can help me out, darling?"

  I squealed, because I loved to see all the end products of his experiments. He kissed my forehead, before I took the right side of Joker. I handed the Doctor his instruments, as he diligently worked and checked on Joker's condition.

  Once he was done, Joker turned to me and held out his hand.

  I did not know whether to take it or not, but I did, and Joker said,"I like you, kiddo!! You are not as serious as the others."

  I smiled and shyly said,"Thanks, Mr. Joker."

  Joker smiled and kissed my cheek saying,"Have you ever wondered what it was like on the wild side, Y/N? Just imagine it, kiddo!!"

  I started to think about it, before Doctor Crane pushed Joker out and said,"No, she does not need to think about anything. I will see you tomorrow. Y/N, bedtime."

  I whined, and Doctor Crane laughed. He led me over to the comfortable bed, before I laid down and rested my head on the pillow.

  He made sure I was okay, then I yawned saying,"Night, Dad."

  Doctor Crane looked at me shocked, but it was soon replaced with a smile and he hugged me. I hugged back and relaxed into the hug. Dad, Whoa, I would get used to it eventually. He kissed my cheek, before I laid down and slowly fell asleep.

   The Next Morning...

  I woke up to seeing Joker standing in front of me.

  I jumped back a few feet, before he laughed saying,"Morning, Sleeping Beauty!! You sure do love to get your sleep!! Daddio was not too happy about me being here, but I will make my visit short."

  I cautiously nodded, before Joker sat down beside me.

  He said,"I am here to offer you a chance of a lifetime. How would you like to come and join me? We would have the best time ever!! What do you say? Uncle Joker can teach you some new tricks and give you a tour outside of these cells!!"

  I went to say no, but I really wanted to see what it was like outside of Arkham. This could be my only chance.

  I nodded and smiled saying,"Okay. Wait, will Daddy be upset?"

  Joker smirked and wrapped an arm around me saying,"Maybe, but this could be your only chance to get out and have some fun!! C'mon boys, we are gonna give Miss Y/N the time of her life!!"

  As I walked outside of the cell walls with Joker's crew, I did not realize that would be the last time I would ever be able to see Daddy the same way ever again and be the same girl I was, before I left and decided to go with Joker. It was that one choice I made that changed everything.

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