Questionnaire Part 2

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Up next: Superman x Reader

Later: Rā's Al Ghūl x Reader

Hey, everyone!! I know it has been quite some time since I did the first Questionnaire, but it is that time again. You already know what I'm asking for. If not, then I'll remind you:

1. Be honest with your responses, but not rude honest. If you're one of those people that like to test things, then don't bother responding. That's one way to ruin the whole thing for everybody.

2. Do your best to answer EACH and EVERY question.

Okay, so let's just get on with the questions.

1. Would you want to see any more crossovers between Marvel and DC? Yes or No?

2. Am I updating too fast or too slow?

3. Does anyone have any requests they need to get off their chest now before they forget? If so, leave the character name, plot (if you have one), and if it is an x Reader or a specific character taking the place of where the reader's insert normally is.

4. After this book is over, would you all like to see a third book? Yes or No? And why?

5. Are there any characters that you would like me to look into to write an X Reader book for?

6. Are my chapters too long for you all, or do you like them long and detailed?

7. Has anyone actually met a famous DC actor, Marvel actor, or any actor in general before?

8. What do you want to do when you grow up or what do you plan to do?

9. Why do you all read my books?

10. What is your favorite DC movie of all time? Mine will forever be The Dark Knight. Not just because of Christian Bale and Heath Ledger. I mean, they're great!

I don't know what else to ask, but if anyone has any questions for me, then I'll do my best to answer them!!

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