Dick Grayson x Reader x Jason Todd

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Dedicated to MarleneJaramillo

Prompt: Dick Grayson and the reader argue constantly and one day they decide it is enough, so they call it off. Years later, Dick spots reader with a baby and also with Jason.

Up next: Bat-Boys x Reader

Later: Bruce Wayne x Reader Part 1

   Y/N'S POV

  Right now, I was trying to figure out why my boyfriend, Dick, thought it was a good idea to trap one of his younger siblings, Damian, inside the Batmobile.
  Honestly, I was still trying to figure out how that was even possible. How did Dick even get him in there, and why did the security system not go off when Damian first got in? You know what, it was not my vehicle, so I would not even know the precautions on the car anyway.

  Dick asked me,"Can you get him out or not?"

  I rolled my eyes and asked him,"What do you think I am trying to figure out right now? Geez, just be quiet and let me think for a moment."

  I was able to get past the first security safeguard, but it was even harder to get past the next one.
  I knew Bruce was going to have a fit when he found out the car could be damaged, but hey, at least Damian would be out and in one piece.

  While I was trying to gain control of the Batmobile, I heard Dick mumble,"Even if I were to stop talking, I doubt you would figure it out."

  I immediately stopped what I was doing and asked him,"What did you just say, Grayson? Go ahead and repeat it, since you obviously knew what you were saying the first time."

  Dick got in my face and repeated,"Even if I were to stop talking, I doubt you would-"

  I slapped Dick a couple of times, before he held his cheek and I said,"It is times like these where I really wished I would have never run into you. Maybe Bruce was right. Maybe I would have been better off never leaving my apartment that day."

  Dick just smirked at me and shrugged, before I rolled my eyes. Finally, I overrode Bruce's security system and opened up the top of the Batmobile, letting Damian climb out. Damian quickly escaped and thanked me, but he noticed the tension in the room.

  Damian asked me,"L/N, what happened while I was in the Batmobile?"

  I turned to Dick and said,"Dick and I decided we were done. He did not have to say it out loud, because I pretty much understand what was going through his head. You want to know something Damian?"

  Damian looked like he did not want to get involved, but he sighed asking me,"What, L/N?"

  I looked Dick straight in the eyes and said,"This may just be the best decision I have ever made in my life."

  Damian frowned and grabbed my arm saying,"But you love him, don't you? Grayson, tell her you love her."

  I looked at Dick and I kind of wanted him to say it, but he never did. I just made my way up the stairs and packed my things inside the room where I stayed, before I ran into Bruce on the way out.

  I sighed saying,"You may want to update your security system."

  Bruce looked at me confused, but he also noticed my suitcases and bags. He went to ask, but I just quickly got in my car. I made my way to a place I knew I had not been in so long.

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