Oliver Queen x Reader

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I just want to say thank you for anyone and everyone who is still with me in the DC Comics or Marvel Imagines!! I do have a question: Is anyone willing to write an imagine for me? It would mean the world to me if someone could, but you do not have to if you are busy working on your own. I just want to see what it's like from the reader side and asking someone to do a request for me.

Up next: Dick Grayson x Reader x Jason Todd

Later: Hal Jordan x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  I was woken up by someone pulling me out of bed. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes to see Felicity.

  I sighed and groggily said,"Felicity, go away. What are you doing in my house?"

  Felicity started ranting and never really answered my question, but the one thing I did hear was,"I came here, because you need to get some fresh air. Your Dad has been worried sick about you. I got him to leave with..."

  I sniffed and asked her,"Out with who, Felicity?"

  Since when was I crying? Oh, well. Felicity realized what she just said and tried to play it off.

  I sighed and sat up, before she rested her hand on my shoulder saying,"I know you are hurting, Y/N, but he is gone now. You do not have to worry. You need to at least eat breakfast."

  Felicity helped me up, before I took a shower and stayed in there for a while. I cleaned off my bruises and got dressed, so I could try to pull myself together and get some fresh air.
  I slowly made my way down the stairs, and Felicity handed me a cup of coffee. I thanked her, before I drunk it in a matter of seconds. That smile spread across her face too fast. I sent her a weak smile in return, before I hesitated on opening the front door.

  Felicity put her hand over mine and opened the door for me, before she asked me,"How about we find your Dad and Oliver?"

  I nodded, before Felicity drove us to the new lair or whatever Oliver wanted to call it now. We made our way into the elevator and waited until the doors opened, before we walked up the stairs. There, Oliver was talking to Dad.
  Something inside me automatically felt shy and unprepared to talk to Dad or Oliver. Felicity, thankfully, did not notice and I was glad that she did not notice. Dad turned around and noticed we were here, before I ran to him and hugged him tight.

  Dad gave me a kiss and held me tighter, while I noticed Oliver looking at me. He sent me a smile and I blushed, before I pulled away from the hug and Dad looked in between us.

  Dad kissed my cheek and shook Oliver's hand saying,"I have to go check on things at A.R.G.U.S. See ya at home, Y/N. Bye, Oliver."

  Oliver said his "good-bye," before Felicity left with Dad.

  I turned back to Oliver and asked him,"How is being the Mayor of Starling City going for you?"

  Oliver smiled at me and said,"It has its challenges and it is different from being out there using a bow and arrow, but I am still protecting the city at the same time and it is a good feeling. Look, I heard about what happened between you and...Him."

  I looked down and figured he would have found out eventually. Oliver was a smart guy, and I was certain Dad talked to him about my mood changes recently.

  I felt Oliver lift my chin and he made me look at him, before he said,"He does not deserve your time, Y/N. He forgot your birthday. He never treated you like you should be treated, and he lied to you for years about his other relationship. I know something in you believed that he would change, but he still hasn't come back for you. He isn't the one for you."

  Oliver let go of my chin, and I looked him in the eyes asking him,"Who is then?"

  Oliver put my hand in his and gave them a squeeze saying,"What about me? Y/N, there is something I need to show you."

  I nodded and Oliver led me over to Felicity's chair, before he pulled out something from underneath the desk and handed me a red-wrapped present with a pink bow on top.
  He kissed my forehead, and I was trying really hard not to scream in pure joy or something.

  Oliver smiled and said,"I know I am a little late, but Happy Valentine's Day. Figured you should never miss the opportunity to feel special.."

  Tears were already forming in my eyes, because no one had ever really gotten me anything for Valentine's Day. It only made it more special to me that Oliver did.

  I smiled through my tears and opened the present, before I gasped and Oliver said,"Your Dad may have mentioned that I was the first guy to ever officially ask you this, so I wanted to do it in the most memorable way: Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?"

  I went to say yes, but I hesitated, and I did not know where it was coming from.

  Oliver took my hand and pulled me close, before he said,"Try on the dress. Do not worry, I will gladly leave and give you some privacy."

  Oliver kissed my forehead, before he walked out and I went to the back and changed.
  I really adored the dress and slid it on, before I put my hair up and made sure my heels were not going to fall off. When I was done, Oliver was turned around and in a nice suit. 

  I cleared my throat and Oliver turned around, before his jaw dropped. I smiled at the fact that I looked okay. At least to Oliver.

  Oliver said,"You look amazing. May I?"

  I nodded and Oliver pulled me close again, before he intertwined his fingers with mine and it felt so right. I know it sounded cliché, but it felt right to me so...I did not even know what we were dancing to, but I guess this was what it felt like when you were in the moment.

  I leaned my head on Oliver's shoulder, and Oliver said,"I am sorry that I did not tell you how I felt sooner, but you were with...him, and I did not want to make things worse for you. No matter what happens, I will always be here to protect you and love you. You can count on that, okay?"

  I smiled and kissed Oliver, before I realized what I just did. I immediately pulled away. I stuttered giving an explanation for myself; however, Oliver did not hesitate on pulling me back in.  
  This was the best gift anyone had ever given me. Whether it was a day or two after Valentine's or not, I still counted it as a win in my book.

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