Barry Allen x Reader

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TUESDAY'S EPISODE OF THE FLASH WAS ON-POINT!! IT WAS SO GOOD, AND WESTALLEN WAS ROLLIN!! I loved every scene, and I look forward to the episodes to come. If you haven't seen The Flash, where have you been? I love Grant Gustin as Flash so much, it's not even funny.

Up next: Blue Beetle x Reader

Later: Joker x Reader Part 2

   Y/N'S POV

  As I sat down outside S.T.A.R. Labs, I looked down and let my tears fall.

  I felt a hand on my shoulder and sniffed saying,"Joe."

  Joe sighed and sat down beside me, before I immediately hugged his waist and cried on his chest.

  Joe hugged back and kissed my forehead saying,"We will find Barry, okay? There is still hope that he is alive. We just have to get a hold of him. Barry is strong, just like you are. You are talking to a man who had to catch up with him, and he does not have the best running skills."

  I giggled weakly, which made Joe smile down at me.

  He moved my hair out of my face, before I asked Joe,"Do you think Barry will want to come back?"

  Joe cupped my face and said,"Trust me, Barry will come back. I know it has been rough for him lately, but he will do whatever it takes to be here for those he loves. That definitely includes you, Y/N. You are going to make me cry, darling."

  I went to wipe my tears, but Joe stopped my hand and did it for me.

  I smiled and hugged Joe saying,"Thank you for everything, Joe. I love you."

  Joe nodded and helped me up saying,"I love you, too, N/N. C'mon, let's go see how everyone else is doing."

  I nodded and held onto Joe's hand, before he guided me towards the group.

  Harrison sighed and said,"Ramon, you have to do this. Do you want Barry back or not?"

  Cisco sighed and put something over his head, before he took a deep breath, trying to vibe for Barry's location.

  I let out a sigh of relief, upon hearing Cisco say he had seen Barry. The only problem was: Cisco was not going to be able to keep this up for a long time, so Iris yelled for Wells to turn it off. Once Cisco obeyed, Iris and I rushed over to Cisco's side.

  I anxiously asked him,"So, what happened? Did you actually find Barry?"

  Cisco nodded but sighed in disappointment saying,"I was so close, but he turned and went the other way. Maybe he got distracted or something. I am sorry. I was not fast enough."

  I shook my head and put my hand on Cisco's shoulder saying,"It is fine. We will get Barry next time around. You did great, Ramon. Thank you."

  Cisco nodded and smiled at me, before he went back to checking on the Particle Accelerator. I remembered what that did to the city a few years back and never wanted to remember what happened again. I lost some of my best friends because of that thing, and I knew it was what caused me to lose contact with Barry for 9 months.

  Sure, we were only best friends then, but I did have feelings for him, too. I mean, Barry was always there when I needed someone...and I loved him for his support. Wells tried to contact Jessie and Wally, but they were not responding.
  We immediately frowned, and my worried for them increased. Didn't they stay put? Wait, would I if I were them? No...I immediately followed Joe and Wells, before we found them on the floor. Joe, Iris, and I rushed to Wally's side, while Wells rushed to Jessie.

  We managed to get Wally up, but I noticed Jessie was not responding to Harrison. Tears formed in his eyes, but I gave him a reassuring smile, before we moved Jessie to the medical bay.
  It turned out that Henry had some medical background, before he had been accused of Nora's murder and sent to prison. That had to be the hardest thing for anyone to handle, but I could not imagine how much of a toll that took on Henry and Barry. Barry never liked to talk about it, so I never brought it up.


  We managed to get Barry back home, but I may have had something to do with that. Barry made his way towards Jessie's bedside, before he examined Jessie.
  He grabbed and held her hand, before I saw a flash of lightning transfer from Barry's finger onto Jessie's.

  Jessie slowly opened her eyes and smiled up at Harrison. Harrison smiled back and hugged Jessie tight, before she hugged him back tighter.

  Henry said amazed,"How did you do that?"

  Cisco said,"Are you like magic now?"

  Iris asked Barry,"Did you know that was gonna happen?"

  Barry said,"Maybe. It's hard to explain. It's-"

  Harrison finished for Barry saying,"It's the Speed Force."

  Jessie sent me a wink, and I smiled at her in return. I did not even notice Barry had walked over to me. He whispered something in my ear, and I followed him. Once we made it outside, Barry took my hands in his own.

  He looked into my eyes and said,"You all right? I am sorry if I scared you, baby, but I-"

  I cut Barry off by kissing him passionately. Barry kissed back and pulled me closer.

  I rested my hands on his face and mumbled,"Do not do it again, Allen. I do not care how tight that suit looks on you."

  Barry chuckled and mumbled back,"Yes ma'am. I love you, Y/N."

  I pulled away and hugged Barry's waist saying,"I love you, too, Flash. I love you, too."

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