Lex Luthor x Reader Part 1

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Dedicated to avengerlocked, Turntabl-3, and Asura_Rengi, who all have a huge passion for Lex Luthor!! I hope you guys don't mind that I dedicated this one to the both of you, because I felt like I needed to. Anyway, I hope it fits your requirements and that you find this Lex Luthor x Reader Part 1 to be what you hoped it to be!!

Up next: Zoom x Reader Part 2

Later: Damian Wayne x Becky Kane

   Y/N'S POV

  My name was Y/N Wayne, and I was the younger sister of Bruce Wayne. You guys knew Batman, right? Bruce Wayne/ Batman, blah blah blah. Anyway, he was just as protective over me as he was his current love interest and kind of in a rough spot right now.
  You see, Bruce was Batman, which meant he made many enemies over time. Every hero had their own perceptions of what was right and what was wrong, but Bruce's morals were definitely ones to be impressed by. The thing was: He thought fighting Superman was the right thing to do and that Superman was our enemy, but I told him that he had it completely wrong. I told him that Superman was doing what he thought was right, too.

  After what happened, Metropolis and Gotham were greatly damaged and Superman was blamed for the whole thing. It was not his fault and he was only trying to stop Zodd from bringing Krypton here, but Bruce did not believe me not one bit. He was stubborn, I would gladly give him that.
  Right now, I was getting ready to leave Wayne Manor. I felt hungry all of a sudden and walked into the kitchen to grab something, but I noticed Bruce and Alfred were talking. It looked intense, so I just slowly made my way into the kitchen. With that, I grabbed my fruit from last night.

  I slowly closed the refrigerator and went to leave, but Bruce said,"Y/N, where are you going? You are supposed to be asleep."

  I rolled my eyes, before I turned around and gave Bruce a warm smile saying,"Nowhere, just waiting for Paris to come get me. She should be here any minute now. I am fine, okay? I am not tired, anyway."

  Bruce walked over to me and felt my forehead saying,"Y/N, no you are not. You are hot and need to be resting. Alfred..."

  We both looked at Alfred, while he chuckled and kissed my forehead saying,"If she feels like she is well, Master Wayne, then we should not worry and keep her here. You have always been protective over your little sister, but she is growing up."

  Bruce sighed and I smiled, before I hugged his waist.

  Bruce hugged back and leaned on me, while he said,"Stay safe, okay? Call me immediately, if you need anything."

  I nodded and kissed his cheek, before I hugged Alfred and made my way to Paris' car. Paris was my best friend and lived in Metropolis.

  She pulled out of her usual spot and said,"Why did you not take your own car?"

  I sighed and answered her immediately,"Because Bruce most likely put a tracker on that car and will know where I am going. I still have not told him yet."

  Paris looked over at me and softly said,"Y/N, you need to tell him eventually. You can't keep secrets from Bruce; especially, if he's your brother. Bruce's smart and will figure it out when you don't even realize it."

  I nodded and placed my hand on my stomach, before I felt sick. Paris immediately knew what was going on, and luckily, we made it to our destination. I ran inside and into the nearest bathroom, before I threw up. Paris rubbed my back, and I finished shortly.
  Paris guided me out of the bathroom, before she handed me some water. I drunk it and kissed her cheek in thank you. After that, I headed into the familiar office that I had been in too many times already.

  I looked up and saw Lex Luthor walking inside. His eyes lit up at seeing me, but he must have noticed my exhausted look.

  He rushed over to my side and led me over to the couch saying,"Darling, you need to sit!! I will be right back."

  Lex pecked my lips, before he exited out of the room. I carefully sat down on the sofa and tried to rest.
  Lex walked back inside with pillows and blankets. I giggled at his cuteness, no matter how evil he seemed to other people.

  Lex smiled over at me and gently sat me up, before he put the pillow down and decided to join me.

  He wrapped his arms around me and ran his fingers through my hair saying,"What is going on? Darling, I know something is wrong."

  Lex turned me around and cupped my face, while I looked into his eyes and said,"Lex, I...I am pregnant. I did not tell you because I was afraid you would leave me. You have already have so much going on already. I-"

  I was cut off by Lex kissing me slowly. I kissed back and rested my hands on his chest, while Lex wrapped his arms around me and brought me closer.

  I smiled in the kiss and Lex held on, before he pulled away and said,"This truly is wonderful, Y/N!! We will have mini me's running around LexCorp!! Oh, this is too good to be true!!"

  I smiled and nuzzled my nose against his. Lex let out a sigh of relief and rubbed my stomach slowly.

  I jumped at hearing a furious voice yell,"Y/N M/N WAYNE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!"

  I quickly looked towards the door and Bruce had to be here. He looked furious and walked out of Lex's office.
  Lex sighed and kissed me, before I made my way after Bruce. Bruce walked down the hall quickly and I went to run after him, but I felt something go down my leg and fell to the ground.

  I took deep breaths and screamed in pain after that. Bruce immediately turned towards me and rushed towards me.

  He crouched down over my side and calmly said to me,"Y/N, everything will be all right. We will talk about this later, but I have to get you to a hospital. Yes, I already knew. Do not worry, I got you."

  I smiled weakly up at Bruce, before I let out another scream and Lex followed behind us.

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